Ten Things Modernists Have in Common

Ten Things Modernists Have in Common​

By Bassam Zawadi

Dr. Abdulaziz Mukhtar Ibrahim in his book العصرانيون ومفهوم تجديد الدين عرض ونقد [Modernists and the Understanding of Renewing Religion: A Presentation and Critique], said on pages 24-25 that there are ten features which all the different groups of modernists share in common:

1) They subject revelation to their intellect even if they both directly clash

2) They make scripture adapt to modern western notions and behavioral patterns

3) They present Islam in a modern way, in opposition to the way of the Salaf, so that it is more appealing to the West and “free thinkers.”

4) They make baseless ta’weel of scripture, which is far from the methodology of the Salaf, in the name of conforming to modern sciences and progressive civilizations.

5) They utilize scientific theories as a basis for interpreting the Qur’an, which leads to opposing its apparent reading and the rules of Arabic.

6) They open an unrestricted door to Ijtihad, whereby the door is open for even unqualified people to engage in it.

7) They have undisciplined ijtihad, whereby the overriding authority for them is maslaha (benefit), even if it is at the cost of opposing the Qur’an, Sunnah, and consensus of the Salaf.

8) They depend on standards unknown to the Salaf when it comes to accepting and rejecting the Sunnah. They do not accept ahadith unless they are mutawatir. Some of them do not accept any Sunnah unless it is action-oriented.

9) They look back at Muslim heritage with contempt and view it as being unhelpful in contributing to resolving the problems we face today.

10) They use vague and generic terms, which could carry either a sound or false meaning (e.g., Islamic thought and evolution, national unity, general freedoms, etc.,)

When it comes to some of the points above (especially point no. 3), I believe more elaboration is required; however, I think the author captured the gist of it all.
