Taleex district, Puntland update

Students there recently took PL national exams



Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
If Somaliland controls taleh then how come Puntland's education ministry was able to go there freely and test the kids there with PL's curriculum?

Seems like it was all faan and propaganda - as to be expected with Somaliland


Heart on the left side ⚔☤
We can not even get SOME people to stop bringing their flag into Jamhuuriyadda Barakaysan ee Somaliland without being called cuqdadland how would we be painted if we rejected every unemployed puntland politician who tries to play cartoon helper figure when they are not even can handle puntland.

Odkac WRLD

جندي صومال
We can not even get SOME people to stop bringing their flag into Jamhuuriyadda Barakaysan ee Somaliland without being called cuqdadland how would we be painted if we rejected every unemployed puntland politician who tries to play cartoon helper figure when they are not even can handle puntland.
Judging by your spelling, it seems Somaliland education system has failed you. :mjlol:
Judging by your spelling, it seems Somaliland education system has failed you. :mjlol:

If you are going to play the part of the spelling and grammar police, you might want to start by correcting your own first.

The correct way to express what you wanted to say is as follows:

"Judging by your spelling, it seems the Somaliland education system has failed you"

You're welcome.

Odkac WRLD

جندي صومال
If you are going to play the part of the spelling and grammar police, you might want to start by correcting your own first.

The correct way to express what you wanted to say is as follows:

"Judging by your spelling, it seems the Somaliland education system has failed you"

You're welcome.
:dead: this guy fucks.