Taking disbelievers as awliyah is apostasy

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Abdul-Wahhab, said in his book ad-Durrar as-Sanniyah vol.10 p.38; “Verily, the scholars have declared that, pleasure with Kufr is Kufr (in itself), and Muwalat (allegiance) of the Kuffar (disbelievers), is Kufr.”

In the treasure Nawaqid al-Islam, Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Abdul-Wahhab said;

The eighth one: Trying to give the Kuffar (disbelievers) victory and assisting them against the Muslims:

The eighth kind of Kufr-Akbar (apostasy) is aiding the Kuffar (disbelievers) against the Muslims, and giving the Kuffar (disbelievers) assistance against Muslims. This means to help the Kuffar (disbelievers) in killing or hurting the Muslims. Similarly, whoever loves the disbelievers has disbelieved. This is the meaning of making them allies:

Allah says:

﴿وَمَنْ يَتَوَلَّهُمْ مِنْكُمْ فَإِنَّهُ مِنْهُمْ﴾

“And whoever of you takes them as allies, then verily he is from them.” {Al-Maidaa 5:51**

Subhana'Allah the evidences are so clear. May Allah guide us all to the Truth. Ameen
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