Syrian man’s family is against him marrying a Somali woman. Is it racism?

Somalis actually have a good reputation in sudan many go there to study. There was this female somali singer that had khartoum by a chokehold
Indeed we have great connections. Meneliks was usung Shoawan armies attacking bale arussi and sidama between 1882. These wars were on the periphery and we fought alongside their muslim armies that were tied to brotherhoods that went on for decades and centuries including the sudanese revolt, there were Somali Salihiyas like Sheekh Sayid Mohamed of the Karanle that spent time with the Sudanese fighters as did the Isaaq HY Sultan Nuur Amaan.

Sheekh maxamed saalax the teacher in Makkah and Yemen of the Saliyiyh order that taught the Karanle sheikh was a Sudani by origin and from the Dongola area at the banks of the river Nile the same town as the Sudanese Mahdist. Infact the dervish name and clothing came from these Sudanese warriors before it was imported into Somali territories

I’m done here. These type of threads are not my cup of tea. Salaam guys!
Neither do French people speak Dutch nor do they eat their food nor do they follow their news.
French and other dutch went to war with each other and came into contact with each other many times in their history. European royal families married into each other as well. That means you can say they share history. Can you say the same for Somalis and Sudanese? Are there any more wrong comparisons you have? Or your still forcing this?
French and other dutch went to war with each other and came into contact with each other many times in their history. European royal families married into each other as well. That means you can say they share history. Can you say the same for Somalis and Sudanese? Any more wrong comparisons you have?

Eritrea is the bridge that connects us with the Sudanese. We “fade” into each other genetically speaking. A Sicilian looks drastically different from a German but it’s the northern Italian and the Swiss that forms a bridge between the Sicilian and the German. They “fade” into each other so to speak.
Indeed we have great connections. Meneliks was usung Shoawan armies attacking bale arussi and sidama between 1882. These wars were on the periphery and we fought alongside their muslim armies that were tied to brotherhoods that went on for decades and centuries including the sudanese revolt, there were Somali Salihiyas like Sheekh Sayid Mohamed of the Karanle that spent time with the Sudanese fighters as did the Isaaq HY Sultan Nuur Amaan.

Sheekh maxamed saalax the teacher in Makkah and Yemen of the Saliyiyh order that taught the Karanle sheikh was a Sudani by origin and from the Dongola area at the banks of the river Nile the same town as the Sudanese Mahdist. Infact the dervish name and clothing came from these Sudanese warriors before it was imported into Somali territories

I’m done here. These type of threads are not my cup of tea. Salaam guys!
Bro when you have time please expand on these links in the history section. I have always wondered about the links between the Mahdist/Dervishes etc.
On a slightly different tangent, there was a case that created a lot of debate in Saudi Arabia some years ago because a Saudi girl married a Syrian and they were calling it 'groundbreaking'

I suppose this shit has levels

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Exactly! Somalis cluster so close I wouldn't be surprise if they all share a common ancestor in the last 250 years (I don't mean paternal only but in the same way they say all of Europe can trace themselves to Charlemagne). Remember the Somali Republic in 1960 only had 3 million people.

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East Africa UNUKA LEH
There’s a white woman in the replies and she said that she was accepted & embarced by her Syrian in laws. There’s definitely an element of racism
Its not definite. Every family is different. Some families would not be accepting of their child marrying cadaan.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Sudanese guy told his mother he doesn’t want Sudanese wife instead he wants Europeans, Latina’s etc

Mother replied saying you are not allowed. If you don’t want Sudani then bring at least Somali wife :pachah1:

Are we gonna ignore the fact that she said something close to Sudanese girls like Somalis AND Congolese and Nigerians
It makes no sense to press. I would not respect someone lacking in dignity or self-respect, even if they were Somali. If my family says no to you, so do I (the reason is arbitrary). Families are a huge support base, and you encounter difficulties when you cut that off. Imagine trying to axe your social support networks just for someone who is replaceable. No one is worth the trouble. Sorry to come off as ruthless, but family fit matters for interethnic marriages and intraethnic ones. Love is not enough, nor is it all-conquering. Anyone who thinks so is foolish and likely someone who subscribes to romanticism and individualism. Constructs that are quite recent in human history and culturally foreign to many non-Western communities.
It depends on the family though. I don't think they should marry but if his family isn't giving him other girls to choose from then they should keep quiet and let him marry who he wants to marry.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
It depends on the family though. I don't think they should marry but if his family isn't giving him other girls to choose from then they should keep quiet and let him marry who he wants to marry.
He is likely still an undergraduate, so he's probably not very old (or fresh out of uni). She is not the only person available unless, of course, he suffers from oneitis and Romeo syndrome. It's not the end of the world. His parents would probably have an easier time shopping him around within the community if he was more established. It's hard to market a guy who is still in university and isn't a doctor, lawyer, engineer or some other professional making a comfortable living. Parents provide social support, so they should be concerned; it is their business.

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He is likely still an undergraduate, so he's probably not very old (or fresh out of uni). She is not the only person available unless, of course, he suffers from oneitis and Romeo syndrome. It's not the end of the world. His parents would probably have an easier time shopping him around within the community if he was more established. It's hard to market a guy who is still in university and isn't a doctor, lawyer, engineer or some other professional making a comfortable living. Parents provide social support, so they should be concerned; it is their business.

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Idk men tend to really love women who are into them when they have nothing to their names. His parents have to introduce him to a girl he will like relatively soon. If they wait until once he’s established he will know off rip this new girl wouldn’t love him like the Somali one. He might turn out to be like one of those guys who treat marriage like a business and their wives business partners.


Staff Member
99% of Ayrab parents are not OK having their son or daughter marrying a Black person and it doesn't change the fact if they're a Ayrab bootyclaping Somali. It would be like your parents not being OK (mine would be OK with it) with marrying a Bantu, except times infinity.


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