Swedes are dragged in twitter


Forza Somalia!
This thing happened when some ppl found out that swedes don't feed their guests or invite them to dinner when they are in their houses



Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
They have invited half of the third world to their home on this earth. Without any conditioning.

Isn't that enough?
What a barbaric culture... Imagine not feeding over a guest child.

This is new levels of Antisocial behaviors coming from the Scandi's.
I always knew crackers were weird and uncultured, just not to this level.
This never happened to me or anyone I know growing up, I think it's just a Stockholm thing.

I'm thinking it comes from the trauma of their peasant days where the upper class ruled Sweden/Norway/Denmark/Germany/Dutch/England with iron fists and they learned to be grinches. This is a huge culture defect. There are people who have been in poorer conditions that invite guests to eat over.
They come from a very selfish and individual culture... to the point that they treat their own community children like this. Weird.

On another hand, it's entertaining seeing scandi's get defensive because they're not used to their group being attacked or shamed. They're used to being praised... lmao. As Somali's who get attacked everyday from every direction, they need to learn how to toughen up.
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The replies are killing me. That Laura H going about they only set the table with food that is enough for the family. Like wtf even if you cook a certain amount you still are able to spread that shit around even if everyone ends up eating less or something you can still share. Enough extras for guest kulaha. Wallahi hooyo was right cadanka iski illali fo sho.


They truly are the most demented human beings , even poor people in rural areas in any country will feed you what they are eating and they don't even have money .

Putin should of invaded Sweden such classless losers . f*ck this triggered me .
They have invited half of the third world to their home on this earth. Without any conditioning.

Isn't that enough?
Awkward, considering you’re from the shitty part of Europe. Being next to properous countries yet still irrelevant af, even more embarrassing

Donald Trump Wwe GIF by Election 2016

Also, its quite refreshing to see Scandinavians get dragged, they’re used to everyone bootylicking them lmaooo


Proud American
This is how it should be done. O Allah we asked you to bless the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the entire Ummah of Rasulullah ﷺ

