SW Diaspora Visit Garowe

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Even though this rahanwayn dude is only visiting his people, there is some things that caught my eye that Garowe can improve on. First road rules, cars need to be orderly and roads separated with markers. Second. Oh we need trees, trees make things look beautiful, even palm trees which is a natural tree in Puntland. we need to plant palm trees that are already matured not 'grow it'. Why not cut those native palm trees in Bari and bring it to towns in Garowe and plant it?

Plus pavements, I hate seeing the side of the road with all that dust on the side and makes the town look neglected. Come in @TheMadMullah I am sure you will love this discusion where we are providing constructive criticism to improve the town not just continuously bash it like you. That is why people hate your type of puntlander, you don't contribute answers but contribute only hate and destruction. Your not constructively criticising your constructively promoting destruction.


To every clown who says Rahanwayn is treated badly in Puntland, watch this video. The guy is from the diaspora and has nothing to gain by promoting lies, this is Rahanwayn in garowe who are happy and peaceful people and one of their own diaspora is reporting on the news for them. It's coming out of their mouth, listen carefully. They came with kaneeco on their faces to garowe and in idp camps, today look at how they are rich and healthy. Only in PUNTLAND


What I like about Rahanwayn, it doesn't matter where they go in Somalia, they always remember their language 'may'. They will speak 'maxaa tiri' but they will also know may. Where-as Somalis who migrated from puntland like cade muse speak like a muqdishawi, he forgot his language and dialect. My dad however never did, because he migrated when he was 15 from garowe so he speaks with a nugaali accent still.

These are not 'true southies' these are good people oo lala noolan karo. True southy is from Baraxlay to Dhusomareeb, waa beelaha halkasi degan be it 'wacaysle, hg, murusade, hawadle' Wa isku wada mid, waa aborigines waana kuwa ay ka degi la'dahay somalia. The abgaal in banadir are civilized people, lakin hogaanka waxaa u haayo aborigine wacaysle oo xeero keenadiid ku jiri jiray laftigisa oo ka soo dhuuntay.


I think anyways it would be good the PL govt comes up with a plan to modernize the market place. Make the traders contribute a percentage towards building a modernized mall for them. We can work out how many 'bakaaros' are needed and space by calculating the current market place. It's in their benefit at the end of the day. Or at least let some Puntlander see it's their interest to create a mall for these people who will pay him rent.

Something like this wouldn't cost much money at all in PL. A strip mall or even a bazaar.


When I went to dire dawa they had a bazaar similar to this

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