The whole Jabhad was orchastrated by the Somaliland region to infiltrate the Jabhad of Suldaan Wabar aka Jabhadda Aara. They failed that's why today they attacked Suldaan Wabars camp but no wounded or wax khasaare ah.
We of Awdal will never join your dirty region in the end it will always stay Awdal State inshallah you bloody jeegaan illiterate cunts ty s.
Dumb Reer Farax Nuur of the Reer Nuur dabadhilif men for allowing such buffoonery inside Awdal.
The youth all support the Jabhads inside Awdal only the old men and elders are calool u shaqeyste
We of Awdal will never join your dirty region in the end it will always stay Awdal State inshallah you bloody jeegaan illiterate cunts ty s.
Dumb Reer Farax Nuur of the Reer Nuur dabadhilif men for allowing such buffoonery inside Awdal.
The youth all support the Jabhads inside Awdal only the old men and elders are calool u shaqeyste