Suldaan hooleey Xaad iyo Jacfar midna maaha reer ceelbuur gudoomiyaheedana waa Duduble kkkk

Suldaanka is right, Jacfar and Xaad aren't reer ceelbuur city since they aren't Abakar, they are just helping as Hiil Murusade. The people of ceelbuur city are actually Duduble and Abakar. 🤣
We support our Duduble brothers who run the economic empire with us, no wars is happening between us no matter how much you wish for it Hiiraan State poi, we don't have 15 other clans to worry about kkkk.
Suldaan hooley said good stuff about Xawaadle he said Xassan Sh raganimada adinkuu idinka keenay wiil waa abtigiis 😎😎

He said he is coming to Baladweyne after Dhuusamareeb welcome him.


Yes Ceyr live in big number in there. After the liberation they will build asphalt road that connects Ceelbuur to Dhuusamareeb this will facilitate more Ceyr migration to Ceelbuur. 🤣🤣
You might give our resident Murusade a heart attack 😂 I will avoid expansion talk but we are returning to our lands in east galgaduud post Shabaab
Yes Ceyr live in big number in there. After the liberation they will build asphalt road that connects Ceelbuur to Dhuusamareeb this will facilitate more Ceyr migration to Ceelbuur. 🤣🤣
You might give our resident Murusade a heart attack 😂 I will avoid expansion talk but we are returning to our lands in east galgaduud post Shabaab

"We will return"
"We will build a road"

Commitment hyperboles, nothing to see here, run along 🤣