Suicide bomber apprehended in Xamar


Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Labo qarax ayaa caawa lagu fashiliyey degmooyinka Cabdicasiis iyo Hodan ee magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaas oo toos looga hor tegay, iyadoo lagu guuleystay in laga badbaadiyo shacabka.

Qaraxa koowaad waxaa lagu qabtay degmada Cabdicasiis, waxaana nolosha lagu hayaa ninkii waday oo boorso ku siday, kaas oo ciidanka NISA, gaar ahaan dharcadda ay gacanta ku dhigeen.

Warbaahinta ayaa loo soo bandhigay isagoo xirxiray, waxaana sidaas lagu gashiliyey qaraxii uu doodanayey inuu dadka reer Muqdisho ku dhibaateeyo.

Markii la wareystay ninka la qabtay waxaa la sheegay inuu sheegay in qorshihiisa uu ahaa inuu is-qarxiyo, balse waa la badbaadiyey, wuxuuna ku jira gacanta hey’adaha amniga.

Qaraxa labaad waxaa lagu fashiliyey degmada Hodan, gaar ahaan Ex-control Afgooye, kadib markii askari dharcad NISA ah uu arkay nin qarax culus boorso ku sita oo lugeynaya.

Askariga ayaa ku dhiiraday inuu istaajiyo ninka qaraxa siday, balse ninkii ayaa boorsadii qaraxa tuuray, kadibna cararay, ciidamada ayaa raacdeystay ninkaan, welina lama xog lagama hayo in la soo qabtay.

Qaraxii lagu qabtay Ex-Control ayaa si ku talagal ah loo qaxiyey, wax khasaare ahna kama dhalan, halka lagu guuleystay in la kala furfuro qaraxii lagu qabtay degmada Cabdicasiis.

Qaraxyadaan ayaa la fashiliyey saacado isku dhow oo ah wixii ka dambeeyey salaadii Maqribka, waxaana hadda caadi ah xaaladda amni ee magaalada Muqdisho.

Ciidamada amniga oo isugu jira NISA, Boolis iyo Boolis-miteri ayaa ku guuleystay mudooyinkaan xakameynta weeraradii sida daran ay Muqdisho uga fuli jirtay kooxda Al-Shabaab, wuxuuna amniga caasimada gaaray heer aan weli horay loo soo gaarsiin.


NISA needs to question him sharply. They need to squeeze every name out of him before putting him on trial. Anytime these folks are caught we need a week where everyone associated with them is taken in. No more half measures.


NISA needs to question him sharply. They need to squeeze every name out of him before putting him on trial. Anytime these folks are caught we need a week where everyone associated with them is taken in. No more half measures.
You'd expect until investigations are complete and all necessary actions are taken the government would hold off on publicising the photo of the criminal so the accomplices don't escape


You'd expect until investigations are complete and all necessary actions are taken the government would hold off on publicising the photo of the criminal so the accomplices don't escape
At this point I don't expect anything. Our intelligence service rarely acts like what a intelligence agency would be. NISA should be a feared organization, one that hunts these people down and takes them out before their co-conspirators notice anything. I think it'll be good to take notes from the CIA, a horrific organization but one that's only purpose is to protect its nation no matter what.

If they wanted to release photos they need to blur faces out so that whoever is watching news sites won't be alerted. Then they take the terrorists to a holding cell and squeeze him till he spills his guts.


At this point I don't expect anything. Our intelligence service rarely acts like what a intelligence agency would be. NISA should be a feared organization, one that hunts these people down and takes them out before their co-conspirators notice anything. I think it'll be good to take notes from the CIA, a horrific organization but one that's only purpose is to protect its nation no matter what.

If they wanted to release photos they need to blur faces out so that whoever is watching news sites won't be alerted. Then they take the terrorists to a holding cell and squeeze him till he spills his guts.
It depends on the commander in charge of the specific case because there are times they act professionally.


It depends on the commander in charge of the specific case because there are times they act professionally.
That's the issue. The consistency of standards. If you are working in national security whether it's army, police or secret services you need to uphold a high level of standards. This case might be handled well but like you pointed there are times when it isn't.

This has kinda turned into a rant though. Lmao.

I am glad they caught this guy before he killed innocent people. Inshallah they catch all secret khawarij.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

i don't get the terrorist organization

We blowing you up to fight gaals inside a 99% muslim population with victims being mostly muslim

Threatens Ethiopia/Israel one day and bomb a maqaaxi full of muslims the next day

