Streamer says NOTHING WRONG with simping

@beenleey are you a fruit? Cause you're a fineapple
Mashallah 10 ajar points for this comment!!
I ain't paying anything I've decided to leave this barbaric tradition behind, we shouldn't be treating women like consumable goods any more!
>Treating women as equal beings and not like goods?
Simping is idle worship, you are worshipping a human being that is made of flesh and blood the same as you. By placing them above you to a noticeable degree, far beyond a degree of simple respect, you are immediately equating yourself to being far lower on the table.

A relationship between a man and a woman should be one of equal values; respect is given due to the accomplishments and abilities of someone else. To call showering strangers with this and acknowledging that they are far more worth in value compared to you, ie willingly dying over someone you don’t even know the name of shows that you have no self respect, no one is interested in someone that regards themself as so little. It’s pathetic. “Nice guys” are only nice because they have such little self worth, their only appeal is to be overly obsessive in chase of sex or even a little validation, these losers only stick around the longest because people who have some dignity move along once it’s not reciprocated.

That’s not healthy you should love yourself, the only person that will stick with you your entire life is yourself.

