Story of Shabaab beating and imprisoning old man

This happened before liberation. They beat and imprisoned him for days because he didn’t want to give his son to Shabaab. These people weren’t even allowed to shirib under Shabaab rule. Now you see the traditional shield and spear. Explains how things are much better under Goverment rule.

Freedom is priceless and I can’t wait till those in Ceelbuur, KGS and JL experience it too:nvjpqts:

Messed up stuff man.

Worst thing these Khawaarij do is take kids from their parents to go fight for them in their wars.

Imagine being a parent raising your son untill he's 12/14 then these Khawaarij taking him and indoctrinating him to be one of their footsoldiers.

May Allah eradicate these guys from Somali soil as soon as possible. Theyve done enough damage to shacabka soomaaliyeed.
Messed up stuff man.

Worst thing these Khawaarij do is take kids from their parents to go fight for them in their wars.

Imagine being a parent raising your son untill he's 12/14 then these Khawaarij taking him and indoctrinating him to be one of their footsoldiers.
That’s why a lot of parents send their kids to xamar to live with relatives. Shabaab always force child soilders to carry out their shenanigans. These guys are the worst
That’s why a lot of parents send their kids to xamar to live with relatives. Shabaab always force child soilders to carry out their shenanigans. These guys are the worst
I've heard many cases like that.

Another sad thing is if these kids want to leave shabaab it's sometimes practically impossible. The only way is for them to leave the country because shabaab can still attack them in the city.

A lot of them can't afford to leave the country so they kind of forced to stay in shabaab.
Most famous story that went viral was a young girl traveling from kismaayo to Kenya Back in 2008-2009. They R*pd her and then stoned her to death. shabab are some sick bastards that smoke ganja in their spare time.