Stay home wife or Working wife?

I got a question, will your wife work or do you want her to be a stay home wife? (If a guy is broke broke šŸ˜‚ itā€™s best for him to let her work, Iā€™m talking about guys who make good stable money).


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Only stay home if heā€™s a millionaire so I can go on vacays and have fun if heā€™s middle class than Iā€™d get bored so Iā€™d work
If heā€™s making gooood money then I might just be a stay at home mum and raise my 10 kids (thatā€™s the goal) but then again I didnā€™t go to school for 5 years just to stay at home so I havenā€™t really made my decision yet


Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep
Stay at home or work part-time because you can't properly raise kids and take care of the home while both parents work 40 hours a week.