Sprites (the science of lightning).

Sprites are large, luminous electrical discharges in the upper atmosphere caused by intense cloud-to-ground lightning flashes, manifesting an impulsive coupling mechanism between lower and upper atmospheric regions. Their dynamics are governed by filamentary streamer discharges whose propagation properties have been well studied by past work. However, how they are initiated is still under active debate. It has recently been concluded that ionospheric/ mesospheric inhomogeneities are required for their initiation, but it is an open question as to what the sources of those inhomogeneities are.



This is what it looks like :


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
It looks beautiful but the naming convention reminds me of European folklore. The ring in the ionosphere are elves and whats below them are sprites.

They make lightning/electrical disharges sound so cute but they are deadly. :damn:


Engineer of Qandala
Never heard of this, fascinating stuff. Looks like depending on how high you are in the sky you get a different phenomena;

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