South Africa Sees 4x More Welfare Recipients Than Taxpayers

Joke of an system. Taxpayers get choked to death, for providing the bums an life. But south-africans like the system way too much.
It seems like every year there’s a new story on how South Africa’s on its way to collapse. There was the water crisis in Cape Town, the electricity crisis last year, now this?

I just know there’s a bunch of dusty white supremacists using these failures as proof that ending apartheid was a mistake. I would’ve empathized with the South Africans if they weren’t too busy killing Somalis. Mac sonkor
It seems like every year there’s a new story on how South Africa’s on its way to collapse. There was the water crisis in Cape Town, the electricity crisis last year, now this?

I just know there’s a bunch of dusty white supremacists using these failures as proof that ending apartheid was a mistake. I would’ve empathized with the South Africans if they weren’t too busy killing Somalis. Mac sonkor
That’s exactly what I was thinking, I know for a fact that white supremacists are keeping an eye on South Africa eagerly waiting for it to get worse & collapse so that they can claim that Africans are naturally inferior and aren’t capable of living or building a functioning state
That’s exactly what I was thinking, I know for a fact that white supremacists are keeping an eye on South Africa eagerly waiting for it to get worse & collapse so that they can claim that Africans are naturally inferior and aren’t capable of living or building a functioning state
They definitely are. They’re usually the ones who spread the most bad news about South Africa to use them as an example of white superiority
Free Western Cape the only region in South Africa which gives more to the country then it receives the region is also Diverse with majority of the people being Colored (mixed) or white


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