Ayeeyo u still alive?
Seems like y'all 2020 niggas run this place
@Gucci mane @Bohol @Factz @AarHawd_7 @Kingcobra @SomaliWadaniSoldier the only faces i recognize around here
You know it man
Seems like y'all 2020 niggas run this place
Amira saga 2.0 miyaaForum is taken over by transgenders
idk you but let’s just say i’ve stood my stance the one month and two weeks i’ve been here
Seems like y'all 2020 niggas run this place
I noticed cuzz I might join y'all in that section tbhYesss crodie welcome back. The general section been in decline lately so I took my talents to politics section
We didn't shit post like y'all new ciyaals abaayo. We posted nothing but HALL OF FAME contentidk you but let’s just say i’ve stood my stance the one month and two weeks i’ve been here
also who tf are you?
i nearly have as much posts as you wtf