Sometimes I feel like the only way to make a lot of money really fast


#JusticeForShukriAbdi #FreeYSL
Is by engaging in usury :i83dwbv:
Muslims have it on hard mode to make lacaag. It's easier making crazy money if you're a gaal since there are abundance of xaraam ways. Best to keep it halaal life is short find a definitive way to bring. Halaal bread, or create a new market/blue oceans.
this is how they took over the world
It's unavoidable to an extent but I wouldn't intentionally try and make a profit off it sxb. I don't think a few extra shekels is worth being curse by the prophet Pbuh:manny:

"The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ cursed the receiver and the payer of interest, the one who records it and the two witnesses to the transaction and said: "They are all alike [in guilt]." [Sahih Muslim]"

