Someone stole my IPad

The guy is F****ng moron. He is a billionaire, why embarrass your country, government and people like that for something so small. Just replace it, block the old one and move on.
Now those thieves have both the laptop and the pleasure of making the president cry on national TV like a b**ch.


Forza Somalia!
The guy is F****ng moron. He is a billionaire, why embarrass your country, government and people like that for something so small. Just replace it, block the old one and move on.
Now those thieves have both the laptop and the pleasure of making the president cry on national TV like a b**ch.
Niga came with his iPad that contained documents and precious data for that event. Let the dude ask politely theives to return the iPad with the data back
Niga came with his iPad that contained documents and precious data for that event. Let the dude ask politely theives to return the iPad with the data back
How is bleating about it like a b**ch on national TV going to help? You think the thieves are going to see that and give it back?:damn:

He has to have some self-respect, make sure he does everything to get the access that iPad blocked and move on. Use your many resources to to try to get back behind the screen if needed. Sheesh.
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Staff Member
World leaders are supposed to have extra copies of binders with their documents inside and carried around by their aides. Especially for making speeches if there is no teleprompter. He's an amature.


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