Some Russians Think The USSR Still Exists


I'd cling onto the soviet union too if I was Russian, they went from controlling half of Europe and having a sphere of influence comparable to America to getting their women imported en-masse to marry old Scandinavian men.

Unbelievable fall from grace

The face of the cop throughout the interaction.

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant
That dumb xoolo garbachov destroyed 30 million russian lives by dissembling the soviet, to this day he is wanted


Forza Somalia!
As a Finn you are biased against Russia. The Soviet Union was an amazing project and Russia today is quite a fascinating place.
Finns have created a policy to not offended USSR, if when it collapsed, and there was a chance to join nato with zero political consequences, they said no, because of staying neutral and no offending the collapsed ussr. No, a lot regret not joining nato in 1991 and trying to find away to join without offending Russia.

Anyway I was speaking about SL and USSR existence today


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
The Kremlin (Soviet) propaganda was top notch but they were an intellectual hub during the Cold War Era. The Anti-Americanism was rife and Russians made it known that they were culturally and morally superior to Americans (often claiming they were unfit to lead the West given their tainted history and poor trackrecord with Black Americans).


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The Kremlin (Soviet) propaganda was top notch but they were an intellectual hub during the Cold War Era. The Anti-Americanism was rife and Russians made it known that they were culturally and morally superior to Americans (often claiming they were unfit to lead the West given their tainted history and poor trackrecord with Black Americans).

It's weird to think the dreaded red terror was actually nicer to minorities within and outside of it's territory than the all so just USofA.
As a Finn you are biased against Russia. The Soviet Union was an amazing project and Russia today is quite a fascinating place.
It sure liberated a lot of peasants from the yoke of feudalism, however, millions of these liberated peasants later died during Stalin's Collectivisation. Like many humans before them, some of the survivors of the Holdomor managed to stay alive by eating the Long Pig.

The Historical Cannibals of some Pacific Islands call human flesh 'Long Pig'. It presumably tastes like Pork.:leon:

The Soviet Union was was historically novel but fuc.ked up simultaneously.

It's weird to think the dreaded red terror was actually nicer to minorities within and outside of it's territory than the all so just USofA.
Wouldn't say nicer bro. Put yourself in the shoes of a Chechen or Tatar Muslim forcibly sent off to the Gulags, how many of them do you think survived what the Chechens call the 'Exodus'?

Also think of how the religious restrictions imposed on Muslims in the Soviet Union affected the Central Asians and Caucasian Muslims. There is a reason why secularism is more politically prominent in Central Asia, and probably also why you presently find Central Asian prostitutes in Dubai despite the fact that these societies were traditionally conservative before Communism.

During WW2, the USA might not have had equality at home, however, no sane German soldier or civilian would surrender to the Soviets if the Yanks were within reach. The Red Army were savages to even neutral ethnic groups like the Poles. The Red Army lived off the land they conquered. Forget German women, they even raped their way through Eastern Europe. The Yanks weren't saints either as some of their soldiers committed crimes against French civilians etc., however, it was not something that was widely prevalent amongst them as the military command were more 'civilised'.
It's weird to think the dreaded red terror was actually nicer to minorities within and outside of it's territory than the all so just USofA.

The United States has been the primary source of racism in the Western world for centuries; one of the reasons for the 'Revolutionary war' was a direct result of the British signing Treaties with Native Americans. The settlers found this to be intolerable.

If or when you get the time, watch this video:



It sure liberated a lot of peasants from the yoke of feudalism, however, millions of these liberated peasants later died during Stalin's Collectivisation. Like many humans before them, some of the survivors of the Holdomor managed to stay alive by eating the Long Pig.

The Historical Cannibals of some Pacific Islands call human flesh 'Long Pig'. It presumably tastes like Pork.:leon:

The Soviet Union was was historically novel but fuc.ked up simultaneously.

Wouldn't say nicer bro. Put yourself in the shoes of a Chechen or Tatar Muslim forcibly sent off to the Gulags, how many of them do you think survived what the Chechens call the 'Exodus'?

Also think of how the religious restrictions imposed on Muslims in the Soviet Union affected the Central Asians and Caucasian Muslims. There is a reason why secularism is more politically prominent in Central Asia, and probably also why you presently find Central Asian prostitutes in Dubai despite the fact that these societies were traditionally conservative before Communism.

During WW2, the USA might not have had equality at home, however, no sane German soldier or civilian would surrender to the Soviets if the Yanks were within reach. The Red Army were savages to even neutral ethnic groups like the Poles. The Red Army lived off the land they conquered. Forget German women, they even raped their way through Eastern Europe. The Yanks weren't saints either as some of their soldiers committed crimes against French civilians etc., however, it was not something that was widely prevalent amongst them as the military command were more 'civilised'.
dont forget the settler colonialism. they genocided the natives the implanted ethnic russians in chechnya ukraine crimea kazakhstan. :snoop:
dont forget the settler colonialism. they genocided the natives the implanted ethnic russians in chechnya ukraine crimea kazakhstan. :snoop:
Soviet Union being a multi-ethnic state, it is no surprise that the ethnic Russian majority moved to various regions. However, a lot of it was because they were skilled workers, administrators, Communist Party officials etc. Places like Kazakhstan were where people like the Volk Germans were exiled. They were not attractive to migrants as they were underdeveloped and generally inhospitable.

Ukraine is more complex because the division between Ukrainian and Russian becomes blurred in the border areas; both these ethnic groups, the Belarusians, Ruthenians are more or less the same ethnic group anyway historically speaking.

The real Russification took place in Asiatic Russia where the natives have gradually become a minority in their own land. It doesn't attract the same attention as the European colonisation of the Americas because that is the 'New World' and was heavily populated in parts. Some Native Americans and Asiatic Russians are distantly related, and it is ironic they have both met the same fate.

Closer to European Mother Russia, Finnic ethnic groups have also been subjected to Russification. Why do you think Finland and Estonia do not share a border? The pesky Russians assimilated or ethnically cleansed Finnic people. Finland would be much larger if the Soviets had not annexed Karelia.


It sure liberated a lot of peasants from the yoke of feudalism, however, millions of these liberated peasants later died during Stalin's Collectivisation. Like many humans before them, some of the survivors of the Holdomor managed to stay alive by eating the Long Pig.

The Historical Cannibals of some Pacific Islands call human flesh 'Long Pig'. It presumably tastes like Pork.:leon:

The Soviet Union was was historically novel but fuc.ked up simultaneously.

pre-USSR, Russia was the most feudal society in all of Europe. So the barbarism was more a reflection of their culture before communism rather than being inherent to communism (same thing applies to China and Southeast Asian communist regimes). The prior culture has to be taken into account.

IMO, the Soviet Union was the most amazing human project of the 20th century. Not even Russian nor a socialist, yet it saddens me it collapsed. :mjcry::mjhaps:
The United States has been the primary source of racism in the Western world for centuries; one of the reasons for the 'Revolutionary war' was a direct result of the British signing Treaties with Native Americans. The settlers found this to be intolerable.

If or when you get the time, watch this video:

European supremacist views are not primarily due to Yanks, it has a complex History. It's roots precede the independence of the American Colonies.

The British Americans might have inspired others with their expansion into Indian territories, however, the concept of a racial hierarchy cannot be linked solely to Yanks as it has its roots in the general European dominance of the World, Eugenicist loonies etc. Spanish Colonial America had a racial system before the British colonies took off, look up their Caste system. Why do you think a Dominican who is quarter White will tell you off for associating him with 'Blackness'? In the case of Sub-Saharan Africans, the Atlantic and Arab Slave trade was a major fact in dehumanising them as lesser beings.

As a matter of fact, despite their Jim Crows laws etc., the Yanks abolished slavery before other New World countries such as Brazil. Moreover, no other country at the time went to war with itself to stop slavery, The American Civil War. What followed in the South was not perfect but the Northerners cannot be entirely blamed for reaching a compromise with the belligerent Southerners who had successfully undermined efforts at enfranchising A. Americans.

YouTube videos are good for an introduction into History but they don't always tell the full story.


Soviet Union being a multi-ethnic state, it is no surprise that the ethnic Russian majority moved to various regions. However, a lot of it was because they were skilled workers, administrators, Communist Party officials etc. Places like Kazakhstan were where people like the Volk Germans were exiled. They were not attractive to migrants as they were underdeveloped and generally inhospitable.

Ukraine is more complex because the division between Ukrainian and Russian becomes blurred in the border areas; both these ethnic groups, the Belarusians, Ruthenians are more or less the same ethnic group anyway historically speaking.

The real Russification took place in Asiatic Russia where the natives have gradually become a minority in their own land. It doesn't attract the same attention as the European colonisation of the Americas because that is the 'New World' and was heavily populated in parts. Some Native Americans and Asiatic Russians are distantly related, and it is ironic they have both met the same fate.

Closer to European Mother Russia, Finnic ethnic groups have also been subjected to Russification. Why do you think Finland and Estonia do not share a border? The pesky Russians assimilated or ethnically cleansed Finnic people. Finland would be much larger if the Soviets had not annexed Karelia.
the soviet genocides were a continuation of the tsarist atrocities like the circassian genocide. it wasnt sething soviet. it was just russians/cadaans doing typical russian/cadaan carnage. when the ussr collapsed kazakhs stopped being majority in kazakhstan because of importation of russians. even in chechnya chechens were not the majority in 1991. but chechens have strong dhiig. russians were forced to leave chechnya due to instability. look at crimea. before the stalinist mass deportation of tatars on freight trains and thousands died. dude did the same thing in the caucasus with the chechens.
pre-USSR, Russia was the most feudal society in all of Europe. So the barbarism was more a reflection of their culture before communism rather than being inherent to communism (same thing applies to China and Southeast Asian communist regimes). The prior culture has to be taken into account.

IMO, the Soviet Union was the most amazing human project of the 20th century. Not even Russian nor a socialist, yet it saddens me it collapsed. :mjcry::mjhaps:
As someone who grew up with idealistic beliefs, I get you man. With the wisdom that comes with age, I realised that it is not in the nature of many men to act justly so I came to the painful realisation that a truly Socialist State is a Utopia. The system collapses from within as Orwell so rightly highlighted in Animal Farm. Only in The Hereafter does Universal Justice exist. I speak from a biased Muslim theist perspective obviously.

I actually sometimes fantasise about finding an isolated hill tribe of Hunter Gatherers to live with for they are romanticised as being untouched by the sins that plague more advanced societies. If you like to watch movies which are poetic and get you thinking, try this one mein Freund, the Thin Red Line. It is a war movie but not your stereotypical jingoistic war movie. The beginning has a touching intro with an American deserter in the Pacific living with a Melanesian tribe who are blissfully content in their 'savage' state.



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