Some of you lots attempts at writing afsomali is shocking.

Macalin M

Out here
I don't even consider someone to be a Somali if you can't read or write Somali, it is literally the easiest language to read and write, I learned it in less than a week, you gotta to be dumb asf to speak in Somali and not able to write it.
Somali is a disgusting language (Visually) to read/write. It could have been worse though. Imagine we had a script similar to the xabesh. I’d give up on the whole country
This aint youtube you dickhead


At least I brought examples with my thread. Instead of,

YoUr SoMaLi iS bAd hurr durrr
Dhib aa idin haysto wlh :mjlol: af somali af ka fudud maba jiro. Dhabaaqa iyo qoraalka wa isku mid smh. Diaspora kid is not excuse i didnt fuckin grow up in somalia.
you can't judge others...language skills don't depend on where you grew up, it depends on what language your parents spoke to you in. not all somali parents engage with their kids enough for them to speak the language fluently, instead the kids just learns how to say "haye hooyo/aabo" and other basic things


King Of NSFW
Meeshan oo dhan waa caruur oo waligeed uu tagin dhulkooda iyo somali waa luuqad oo qalad badan leh marka maxaad uu maleysa?
Just worry about your teeth not getting knocked out again, worry less about people.

You have your priorities all mixed up kid.

