Hyena meat kullah as it is not rest of somalia where they eat that at
No as al shaytan is never where i am and boy to think they called themselfs muslims but force folks to violate laws about eating animals that suffocate or eat alive their pray which is haram@Mehmet
Alshabaab used to force feed hyena to reer Kismayo when they ruled the city. Were you there and tasted?
No as al shaytan is never where i am and boy to think they called themselfs muslims but force folks to violate laws about eating animals that suffocate or eat alive their pray which is haram
In islam one can not eat an animal that kills using suffication plus inventions in islam is forbidden@Mehmet
Not only Alshabaab, but the Shafi’ school also believes that it’s permissible for Muslims to eat hyena and foxes. They claim the fangs of both animals to be weak and thereby halal. check Islamqa
Loool donald needs to choke out china first and than who ever else@Mehmet
Ahmed Madoobe was smart, when he was with Alshabaab, he forced reer @nine to eat hyenas till they all became sick and could no longer fight. He changed shirts, left Alshabaab and became a Democrat and they’re still sick. Checkmate. Madoobe should become an advisor to Trump and checkmate Iran.
It depends on if your dying in a desert but kismayo is a farmland
It depends on if your dying in a desert but kismayo is a farmland
No not true at all so just stop@Mehmet
You are talking out of necessity and I’m telling it is Ok to eat it anytime. Kismayo is not a farmland but the towns and villages near the Jubba river has the farms and most of it are controlled by Alshabaab. Prepare the tolka for Hyena meat.
Loool i will pass and enjoy amina's special cambulo/digir instead
No not true at all so just stop
Oh okay but still i eat grasseaters only@Mehmet
Were the imams wrong about fox and hyena?
Answered according to Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com
Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed
The ShafiI imams, may Allah be well pleased with them, have mentioned that eating fox and hyena is permissible. Was this ruling based on information that may not have been up-to-date with what we know today, that might show that they were incorrect?
Our imams did not base their saying of the permissibility of eating fox and hyena on contemporary facts, meaning medical or zoological. Rather, they based it on established legal principles and proofs that are established in their relevant sources.
Among these principles is that whatever does not attack with its fangs is halal to eat. The fox and hyena do have fangs, but they are weak, and they dont attack with them. Tirmidhi related in his authentic chain that the Prophet, may Allahs peace and blessings be upon him, said about hyena, It is permissible to eat. And our imam, Imam al-ShafiI, may Allah be well pleased with him and have mercy on him, said People still eat it between Safa and Marwa, without any blame. Our imams did analogy of the fox with the hyena, because of both have weak fangs, as we mentioned.
السؤال: لقد ذكر أئمةُ المذهب الشافعي رضي الله عنهم أن أكل الثعلب والضبع جائز ، فهل كان ذلك استناداً على معلومات علمية يُمكن أن يكون العلمُ المعاصر اليوم قد اكتشف عدمَ صحتها ؟
الجواب : لم يبنِ أئمتُنا قولَهم بحل أكل الثعلب والضبع على معلومات علمية ؛ بمعنى طبية أو ما يتعلق بتكوين الحيوان ، وإنما بنوا ذلك على قواعدَ وأدلةٍ شرعية قرَّروها معلومةٍ في بابها ، منها : أنَّ ما ليس له نابٌ يَعْدُو به فهو حلالٌ ، والثعلبُ والضبعُ لهما نابٌ لكنَّ نابهما ضعيفٌ لا يَعْدُوان به ، وقد روى الترمذيُّ بسندٍ صحيحٍ أنه صلى الله عليه وسلم قال في الضبع : ” يحلُّ أكله “. وقال إمامُنا الشافعي رضي الله عنه ورحمه :” ما زالَ الناسُ يأكلونها بين الصفا والمروة من غير نكير “. وقاس أئمتنا الثعلب على الضبع بجامع ضعف ناب كلٍّ كما مرَّ .