Somalis living in the west should move to arab countries.

Should they move out if they can?

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Wallahi what i've seen from western somali kids makes me feel like crying. From getting bullied by Madows, to wanting to forcefully became adoon Madows, to being queers, to opening their legs before marriage, to straight up just becoming atheists, to being self-hating. Whoever has parents who can find good jobs in gulf arab countries or open businesses there should just move to gulf arab countries. You can safeguard the religion of your kids and culture. Wadan gaalo is not a good place to raise kids.

Odkac WRLD

جندي صومال
I have adeer who worked Middle East.
Kkk he is one of the eldest brothers but looks the youngest.
Less stress and living in the Muslim world is amazing.


don't do it i have family members who used to work for the goverment in saudi arabia for over 20 years in jeddah their bosses stole their money for years


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
Where you have less employment rights and life in general sucks a lot more? Yeah I'm cool. I'd probably consider a country like Oman but that's it.


Nothing wrong with the West, but IMO, Somalis should not concentrate too much in one area. This is when people start hating on Somalis.



Ah yes, go to countries who don't even give you the dignity of a proper deportation but instead drop you in the middle of a civil war to fend for yourselves.

Abeed foqal abeed


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Arab countries rarely give you citizenship

Just live in the west in an area with not many somalis
Arab countries are unstable. Short term amazing, long term impossible.

People with western passports are treated well and you make a lot of money tax free.
The problem lies with Somali parents. Blaming the west for bad/incompetent parenting is akin to American madoows using slavery as a justification for their criminality.

Granted, there are things you can't protect your children from in the West, but give them the tools to navigate around those obstacles. Plenty of degenerate shit happens in Arab countries too sxb:manny:
Be like jewish diaspora and develop your homeland. Become powerful in the west and build alliances which can help the fatherland.


At the end of the day money and citizenship are what's most important to them. How ppl treat you when you have neither is more indicative of how they view your ppl as a whole

The few Somalis who seem to move from the West to the Arab world seem to be mainly highly religious types.

Not these confused Westernized We Wuz Arabz clowns. :lol:


The few Somalis who seem to move from the West to the Arab world seem to be mainly religious types.

Not these confused Westernized We Wuz Arabz clowns. :lol:

No doubt the western Somalis will have it ok but I couldn't move to a nation that disrespects my ppl by dumping them in warzones and causes chaos in my homeland thorough their petrodollars