Somalis and mouth breathing

I didn’t grow up around a lot of Somali people but I noticed ever since I was a kid that (no offense) smthn about somali people felt off putting asf. Especially fobs but I noticed even a lot of Somalis born and raised in the west (who live in somali communities) gave me the same vibe sometimes. I couldn’t put my finger on it for the longest time ever and recently I finally connected the dots- it’s the mouth breathing.

CLOSE your DAMN MOUTHS if you’re not eating or talking, that 💩 of leaving your mouth hanging open all day long is just nasty asf! It makes me so uncomfortable. Don’t y’all mouths get dry when it’s open like that all day? I just got off a crowded train during rush hour and there was a single somali woman she was the ONLYY person I saw with her mouth 👄 hanging open the whole damn time (20+ minutes) It gives me the heebie jeebies!! And I’m not saying this for no reason. It’s known fact that mouth breathing from childhood will mess your face up



Please raise your kids right- teach them to breathe with their mouth CLOSED !!!!!
somalis are usually known for sharp features like jawlines, dont think many of us are mouth breathers.

agree on the fob part though, ive notuced that too may Allah bless them
somalis are usually known for sharp features like jawlines, dont think many of us are mouth breathers.

agree on the fob part though, ive notuced that too may Allah bless them
I wish I was exaggerating but I swear almost every Somali I come across is a mouth breather like wtf going on. I had a moment also recently I was at a gathering (Somalis) and I looked around literally everybody and their momma was mouth breathing So I know I’m not making this up. Like why is this so common for Somalis...?The lady I saw on the train today was my final straw 💯 I’m praying for the fobs too cuz they tend to be the worst offenders
I don't think most Somalis are mouth-breathers. But it has definitely increased a lot.

Back home, the Westernization of the diet has ruined dental and general health you see a lot more underdeveloped jaws, small palates, etc than in the past when the standard high cheekboned, large jawed faces were common. People used to give their children hard jerk meat to chew on and other things. Now they give them literal mush.

Mouth-breathing usually develops as a habit from childhood due to allergies, etc that block the sinus/nose and the kid will open their mouth to get more air. If it isn't identified and resolved quickly, it ruins the development of the face and causes many health issues. Low Vitamin D which is very common also causes a lack of jaw bone growth and development which ends up in a restricted airway and issues like sleep apnea, etc later on.

This is my speculation but tongue-tie might be more common amongst Somalis- this is also an issue that needs to be addressed.

Symmetry = health. New parents should be aware of the importance of correcting their children's oral habits and monitoring their facial development to insure their kids remain healthy.
You are right that its more common with somalis, particularly fob folk. In general they dont seem to control their facial expressions and just have a lax/limp resting face? However, overall not more than like 40% of somalis mouth breed. Theres that open mouth, eyes wide open distant gaze in some...i distinctly remember being in 4th grade and my friend pointed out i dont close my mouth a lot:damsel: ever since then its ALWAYS shut, i also have my tongue resting on the roof.

There's a whole pseudo-scientific community of *mewers* that i also was exposed to as a to say i told my siblings to stop that shit right then. Should be wary off attaching disgust reactions to something harmless tho, don't use language that insinuates someones gross cuz that can backfire (no new somali memes plz)
You are right that its more common with somalis, particularly fob folk. In general they dont seem to control their facial expressions and just have a lax/limp resting face? However, overall not more than like 40% of somalis mouth breed. Theres that open mouth, eyes wide open distant gaze in some...i distinctly remember being in 4th grade and my friend pointed out i dont close my mouth a lot:damsel: ever since then its ALWAYS shut, i also have my tongue resting on the roof.

There's a whole pseudo-scientific community of *mewers* that i also was exposed to as a to say i told my siblings to stop that shit right then. Should be wary off attaching disgust reactions to something harmless tho, don't use language that insinuates someones gross cuz that can backfire (no new somali memes plz)
Mewing is not pseudo-scientific
is it in peer-reviewed journals? established in academia? all i meant is its not mainstream in orthodontry not wrong. idk that much tho
Fair enough I take your point. I don't think it has been peer-reviewed.

Then again many useful things aren't or won't be peer-reviewed.

In this case there is a remarkable cross-cultural consensus on this from all human cultures on this matter.

It is a universal across all human cultures to close your mouth- it was a sign of stupidity if you kept it open.
I didn’t grow up around a lot of Somali people but I noticed ever since I was a kid that (no offense) smthn about somali people felt off putting asf. Especially fobs but I noticed even a lot of Somalis born and raised in the west (who live in somali communities) gave me the same vibe sometimes. I couldn’t put my finger on it for the longest time ever and recently I finally connected the dots- it’s the mouth breathing.

CLOSE your DAMN MOUTHS if you’re not eating or talking, that 💩 of leaving your mouth hanging open all day long is just nasty asf! It makes me so uncomfortable. Don’t y’all mouths get dry when it’s open like that all day? I just got off a crowded train during rush hour and there was a single somali woman she was the ONLYY person I saw with her mouth 👄 hanging open the whole damn time (20+ minutes) It gives me the heebie jeebies!! And I’m not saying this for no reason. It’s known fact that mouth breathing from childhood will mess your face up

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Please raise your kids right- teach them to breathe with their mouth CLOSED !!!!!
We think alike, I noticed this a long time ago. When I see a mouth breather, hate to say it, but just can't take them seriously.
Fobs are very disgusted looking I’m sorry. They always have acne/bad skin, skinny, smell really bad, unnecessarily loud in public transport when you suppose to shut up or talk quietly and the teeth omg why is it brown subhanallah just straight up embarrassing
You are right that its more common with somalis, particularly fob folk. In general they dont seem to control their facial expressions and just have a lax/limp resting face? However, overall not more than like 40% of somalis mouth breed. Theres that open mouth, eyes wide open distant gaze in some...i distinctly remember being in 4th grade and my friend pointed out i dont close my mouth a lot:damsel: ever since then its ALWAYS shut, i also have my tongue resting on the roof.

There's a whole pseudo-scientific community of *mewers* that i also was exposed to as a to say i told my siblings to stop that shit right then. Should be wary off attaching disgust reactions to something harmless tho, don't use language that insinuates someones gross cuz that can backfire (no new somali memes plz)
Omg it feels like you exactly read my mind ESPECIALLY THE DISTANT GAZE SHIT :faysalwtf::faysalwtf:I notice that one ain’t limited to Somalis btw it’s way worse with the Ethiopian fobs omfg. EVERY SINGLE ETHIOPIAN FOB MALE THAT HAS HARASSED ME (and I have QUITE a large sample size) has had those eyes, im sorry but those kind of eyes give me ptsd flashbacks:damn:etthiopian fob men with that creepy ass thousand yard stare constantly give me hell I swear to god I been through a lot YALL for real 😩

But back to the point yes you’re right I don’t wanna send hate or whatever but, this is really a problem that need to be fixed in our community I hate to say it but it’s too damn common even some old ass habaryars and adheers I see got their mouths hanging open like this, shit aint right at all 😔
We think alike, I noticed this a long time ago. When I see a mouth breather, hate to say it, but just can't take them seriously.
I’m sorry I cant either especially when they’re grown like wtf😩 like close your damn mouths Omfg it makes them look slow asf. Even animals don’t breath with their mouths, except fucking DOGS !!!!!! 😩


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
It's multi-factorial. They grow up eating inappropriate plant-based foods that damage their guts which causes issues like leaky gut which in turn results in a greater susceptibility toward allergies which clogs up their noses when they're little and so they mouth-breath while they sleep. Top that off with more and more hooyos not breast-feeding for long, giving babies junk like formula, not getting enough animal protein and fat in general (have starches and seed oils instead!), soft and not chewy foods... that's how you go from this about 100 years ago to what we have now:

All except one of these guys from the past had a strong jawline:









And he just doesn't look very healthy and has a strong open mouth posture. Probably somewhat malnourished and grew up mouth breathing. Modern Somali men are indeed pretty weak-jawed on average but that probably has more to do with greater gracility being caused by poorer modern nutrition Trading in meat with organs like liver and raw milk products for processed foods. Even most Somali women don't seem quite built the same anymore. You don't see as many 175cm, decent profiled Iman/Waris oids out there anymore as opposed to the shorter, narrow-faced, chubby cheeked look.

Somalis I think are perhaps extra susceptible, as are many Arabians from what I've noticed, because a great many of our ancestors (the majority) were still eating majority animal-based diets just 100 years as desert dwelling pastoralists. The average nomad's diet was raw dairy with some meat and extremely occasional wild and cultivated fruit and honey for the sparing time those things were even in season and not nearly as sweet and processed as the honey and fruit available now. Some nomads even went their entire lives without ever consuming a grain by-product like canjeero.

No human is but such people are probably especially not well-adapted to be guzzling breakfast cereal, whole-wheat bread, refined carbohydrates and an abundance of vegetables. We're like Pottenger's cats at this point:

But it can be similarly reversed within a few generations of eating our species appropriate diet.
It's multi-factorial. They grow up eating inappropriate plant-based foods that damage their guts which causes issues like leaky gut which in turn results in a greater susceptibility toward allergies which clogs up their noses when they're little and so they mouth-breath while they sleep. Top that off with more and more hooyos not breast-feeding for long, giving babies junk like formula, not getting enough animal protein and fat in general (have starches and seed oils instead!), soft and not chewy foods... that's how you go from this about 100 years ago to what we have now:

Somalis I think are perhaps extra susceptible as are many Arabians, from what I've noticed, because a great many of our ancestors (the majority) were still eating majority animal-based diets just 100 years as desert dwelling pastoralists. The average nomad's diet was raw dairy, some meat and some wild and cultivated fruit and honey for the sparing time those things were even in season and not nearly as sweet and processed as honey and fruit now. Some nomads even went their entire lives without ever consuming a grain by-product like canjeero.

No human is but such people are especially not meant to be guzzling breakfast cereal, whole-wheat bread, refined carbohydrates and an abundance of vegetables. We're like Pottenger's cats at this point:

But it can be similarly reversed within a few generations of eating our species appropriate diet.
Modern wheat is a Frankenstein food at this point- they hybridized it in the 50s to get a super high yield version but this made it less healthy for humans. There's a book called Wheat Belly that discusses this in detail.

And this is before we even get to our ancestral diet as you mentioned, this high carb diet is really not meant for us at all.
No offense but a lot of people back home/fobs look a mess. Ever since the war our people back home have taken a massive nosedive in the aesthetics department.

I remember when I went to Hargeisa I met many people with the most messed up looking teeth I’ve ever seen in my life. Orange and red teeth were common. I even saw a man with blue stains on his teeth.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Mouth breathing is not genetic. It is a habit that individuals acquire, which was not common in the past. For goodness sake, the Apache natives of the US used nasal breathing to increase their endurance during long and tireless runs. Children were trained to breathe through their noses.
When a mother sees her child with his mouth open, she gently closes the child’s mouth using two fingers. This is done both while children are asleep as well as when they are active.
Somalis moved away from their old way of life, which is why they look different today. Back home, people are not a monolith but should be re-schooled that mouth breathing is bad for your health with negative health implications. I digress. Many did not retain old practices, such as proper spacing between children or long-term breastfeeding for up to two years. Hence why faces are changing and becoming narrower. They also used to chew on frankincense resin gum. Their food was not processed, and they did not consume processed sugar. Also, wheat was not a staple in their diet consumed to the degree it is today (especially those from the countryside). From what I recall the Geri Kombe avoided it as did the Samaroon who used to sell it the Habeshis/Ethiopians instead. Perhaps understanding the issues that came from it.
is it in peer-reviewed journals? established in academia? all i meant is its not mainstream in orthodontry not wrong. idk that much tho


Press rewind ⏪
Mouth breathing is not genetic. It is a habit that individuals acquire, which was not common in the past. For goodness sake, the Apache natives of the US used nasal breathing to increase their endurance during long and tireless runs. Children were trained to breathe through their noses.

Somalis moved away from their old way of life, which is why they look different today. Back home, people are not a monolith but should be re-schooled that mouth breathing is bad for your health with negative health implications. I digress. Many did not retain old practices, such as proper spacing between children or long-term breastfeeding for up to two years. Hence why faces are changing and becoming narrower. They also used to chew on frankincense resin gum. Their food was not processed, and they did not consume processed sugar. Also, wheat was not a staple in their diet consumed to the degree it is today (especially those from the countryside). From what I recall the Geri Kombe avoided it as did the Samaroon who used to sell it the Habeshis/Ethiopians instead. Perhaps understanding the issues that came from it.

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