Somalis and Colonialism

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reading this article "Dangerous LIAISONS Colonial Concubinage in Eritrea, 1890-1941", and although i don't think the same thing happen in somalia, it does show the level of dehumanization the Eritrean suffers. some of the political cartoon are very disturbing. i am bring this up because i was also told that if a italian every got with our girl, he would be killed, the girl killed and baby killed. and i actually believed this for a long time such relationship were licit and only one side but they did happen in somalia. somalia had a small somali-italian population of mixed heritage before we gain our independence. the good thing is that most return to Italy with their fathers. so what make his personal is i had a somali neighbor. she was intimidating but also kind and she was a good neighbor. when she passed away, my mother went to the funeral and garbiga, and was shock to find white people who were prayer for the deceased. an irate women made comment like what are these gaal doing her, but the lady somali daughter clarified that two strangers a man and women in their middle ages were actually her children and they praying for her in their own way. the irate somali women was shock into silence. it seem that contrary to somali practice this women was allow to marry a somali man and have another bah without anyone really bother with her previous liaison with italian.

so the question is what did we really learn from colonialism.


Citizen of Southwest State
Somalia is currently being colonized. Nicholas Kay and General Gabre are the de-facto leaders of Somalia.
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