Somaliland's Dictator Pres. Muse Bihi is cracking down and arresting opposition candidaties descending the state into an upraisings by minority clans


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
It looks like Somaliland also isn't safe from election empasse and dictatorial ambitions of the head state.

The former guerilla rebel warldord turned President of SL Muse Bihi just like Farmaajo has been orchestering an illegal power grab using intimadtion and arrests of the opposition candidates.

Today a candidate from Galmudug originally(Fiqishinni) was arrested along with his family,Somaliland isn't a multiparity state and all the three parties are owned by the Mid_west clan residents of SL(Isaqs) limiting who can sit at Villa Hargeisa.

The aparthid state has denied other other clams and minorites to form their own political party thus destroying the the /1M and free election the small Western state of Somalia claims.

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[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
In light of the new developments coming from the desert region located in the North West of Somalia Somaliland is still cracking down on the opposition groups MPs, Islamic clerks and even journalists.

The opposition groups and clan chiefs called out for a revenge and respondinf with a violence on Muse Bihi's SNM militias which is troubling, the situation is tense and another Habar war is imment specially if Muse Bihi regime extends their term which is what they are planning to, enough time to buy the MPs with intimidation and threats to win the election.
Hadhwanaag Media Network -

Xisbiga Kulmiye Oo Cagta Saaray Waddadii Uu Ku Burburay Xisbigi Udub Iyo Walaaca Laga Qabo Mudo Kordhinta Muuse Biixi Qorshaysanayo
Thursday August 19, 2021 - 11:29:43
Xisbiga Kulmiye Oo Cagta Saaray Waddadii Uu Ku Burburay Xisbigi Udub Iyo Walaaca Laga Qabo Mudo Kordhinta Muuse Biixi Qorshaysanayo

Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee UCID ayaa sheegay in aanu aqbalayn in dib loo dhigo doorashada Madaxtooyadda Somaliland,waxaanu qorshahaas ku tilmaamay mid Xukuumadda KULMIYE ay qorshaynayso,kaas oo la shir yimi Afhayeenka KULMIYE oo dhawaan ka sheegay maddal uu ka qayb-galay in doorashada Madaxtooyadda dib loo dhigayo.

Afhayeenka Xisbiga Ucid Maxamed Cali Bilaal oo arrintaas ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in aanay aqbalay marnaba in dib loo dhigo doorashada Madaxtooyadda"Waxa jirtay in Afhayeenka Xisbiga KULMIYE oo maddal uu ka sheegay oo uu yidhi doorashadii Madaxweynaha dib ayaa loo dhigay oo la qaban maayo ,taas oo ah wax lala yaabo,Afhayeenku iskama uu odhan,lakiin waa wax uu ogyahay waana xantii Madaxtooyadda taalay .” Afhayeenka Xisbiga Ucid Maxamed Cali Bilaal. Waxa uu intaas ku sii daray " Markaa haddii aynu nahay Xisbiyadda Mucaaradka Somaliland ee isbahaysiga ah ma yeellayno in doorashada habeen dib loo dhigo,waxa ugu soo horeynaysa doorashada guurtida,dib-na loo dhigi maayo wax dambe” Afhayeenka Xisbiga Ucid Maxamed Cali Bilaal.

Dhanka kalene Afhayeenka Xisbiga Ucid Maxamed Cali Bilaal ayaa ugu baaqay haweenka reer Somaliland inay isku diyaariyaan inay ka qayb-qataan doorashada shir guddoonka iyo Golaha Wakiillada "Waxa aan haween weynaha leeyahay ka soo qayb-gala doorashada guurtida oo isa soo sharraxa oday dambe oo meel fadhiya lama oggola waa in aad qaybtiina ka qaadataan oo isa soo sharraxdaan oo hadda geysataan,dib-na loo dhigi maayo wax dambe.”Ayuu yidhi
Geesta kalene Afhayeenka Xisbiga Ucid Maxamed Cali Bilaal ayaa sheegay in Xisbiga KULMIYE uu cagta saaray jidkii uu ku burburay Xisbigii UDUB "Mar Haddii ay Xisbiga KULMIYE ku habsatay guuldarradii ugu weynayd dawladdii hoose Maayaraddii iyo shir guddoonkii ,Xisbiga KULMIYE,halkii UDUB oo kale ayuu sii socdaa.”Ayuu yidhi

Lis Dairy

Time to get rid of all the old hacks from a bygone era. All are horrible relics of the last dictator and are copying Barre’s example perfectly (it’s all they know). Time for change.


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