Somaliland Talking Points And Clan Drumming Durban


I will keep this short but you will always hear a number of historical revisionism from Somaliland about their clan narrative and greviances of Somalia. Below is presenting their arguments in an easy to read format and the the rebuttal and truth.

1. Somaliland brought calanka and independence
2. Somaliland was genocided by Siyad Barre

Below is universal proof those two talking points is a lie which you can verify with your own eyes or reason in your logical brain.

1. 1960 Hargeisa Was an empty desert with no development and was only a meat garrison supply for the more important Aden Yemen British sphere. They benefit and gained much more by joining Mogadishu, you can see in Mogadishu it was well developed relatively to Hargeisa. As my Abgaal ayeeyo said 'iyago boor wejiga ka yaal bay inoo yimadeen to suck on their progress', u can't deny that point when you go verify what hargeisa looked like. They had nothing and gained much more from union with Mogadishu. It wasn't an equal union with Mogadishu carrying the burden and Hargeisa sucking on the benefit.

2. Siyad Barre did attack them but Siyad Barre didn't start the conflict, they did by creating SNM in 1982(siyad did nothing to them prior to SNM) and they were doing hit and runs on the Somali army stationed there. They also used their people as a sheild fighting from urban quarters. If Siyad is held responsible for doing his national duty to protect the nation from foreign backed clan stooges, then Abi Ahmed must be held to the same standard who did the same to the Tigray and now Amhara rebels. The second BM21 hit on this argument is Siyad Barre is gone, if Siyad was their greviance it's absolutely resolved.

3. Siyad Barre govt consisted of all clans, he can't be held responsible while those who served in his government are enjoying themselves in Mogadishu, PL, SL.

We must note the clans who suffered clan wars post 91 whether darod and hawiye and even Isaaq, their issue is much more harder to resolve as those clans are still present and didn't leave like Siyad Barre govt. To solve Somalia issue is really to address post 91 when clan warfare began as all our issues root back to this point.
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I know other clans in the north say SNM post 91 did clan genocide themselves and have no leg to stand on and we see what their doing in las anod. But as Somalis lets forget this national deflection on siyad, 91 is the NAKBA and when clan warfare began for all clans and till today it's that date and why Somali issues are unresolved becuz all clans are still present/unreconciled unlike siyad who is gone, as long as we keep deflecting to this irrelevant Siyad barre who isn't here, our issue will not be resolved.

Yes Siyad Barre may have left his legacy on Somalia like Sayid abdulle left his legacy of pan-somalism, I agree partly up to that point only, but he never started any conflict untill rebel groups arose, he didnt get to power thru violence it was bloodless coup, if ur smart politician u will know sidi dawlad kasto loo dhiso ayaa loo badela, u don't respond by bringing violence n bloodshed to reach power when that govt didn't use violence to reach power.

It's like the idiots today in hamar or regional govt threatening elected govts oo nidaamki soo maray with violence to overthrow it, that's a gorrila brain, as opposition qof idin dortay ma jiro, u have no leg to stand on using violence to get to power and disregarding the agreed system and people will, this will only cause you the wrath and response of any government and international community will tag you as spoilers, not just siyad barre but even governments today.
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Siyad Barre legacy is still felt in Somalia, but anything post 91 is on darod-hawiye-dir-rahanwayn clans and stop deflecting to siyad barre who isn't here and even if u do, his govt consisted of all clans, stop hosting ppl in his govt in hamar-north-pl-jl-sw and be hypocritical and criticize him only.

91 Nakba is unresolved and no clan reconciliation has occurred and untill all the clans acknowledge this we are heading nowhere and deflecting to a fictious boogeyman that isn't relevant.


Darods U must accept only this responsibility.

1. Ogaden/Darawish bringing Pan Somalism and Legacy it has left for 150 years
2. MJ for starting the clan rebel movements that led to 91 NAKBA
3. Marehan for Siyad Barre Legacy and coming to power un-elected even tho it was bloodless(cajiib), u don't need to apologize for any conflict as all Somalis resorted to bringing foreign backed clan rebel stooges from menguistu who was trying to checkmate Siyad Barre for TPLF stooges.

Hawiye/Isaaq have to apologize for clan civilian genocide/looting/isbaaro humanitarian on Rahanwayn and Darod post 91 who hasn't moved a single army or attacked any irir clan and only assumed a defensive posture from irir clans invading/attacking. Plus they must apologize for not doing their bit in national recovery as Hartis left behind the SFG govt and played as a model for regional governments to emerge to atone for it's sins.

Harti/Tanade/Awrtable elders in PL declaration summit wacad bay ku mareen inay iyagu is dhisan and somali dhisan, we didnt have a wacad on build ourselves and destroy others(like snm or usc respond always)

This is the reality solution in Somalia
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As long as the international community is funding AS and these corrupt politicians in the south, PL confederation is the only way i see.

