Somaliland Senators submitted to PM Rooble



Who is exactly voting for the candidates since these people don’t represent Somaliland, who is casting the votes, which elders, sultans, am so confused in how this selection works.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
The content of the communique and the title do not match. Farmaajo main man, PM Mahdi, is still the one that came up with the list.


The content of the communique and the title do not match. Farmaajo main man, PM Mahdi, is still the one that came up with the list.

kkk, xaash seat in-exchange for 10 N&N. i don't want to expose, but i see so many ultra N&N fans on that list.
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Name just 1 pro Farmajoo person. You can't can you.

if you know Somali politics you would not have asked me that question. but on that list i know one ultra N&N who i predicted over 1 year ago would be the new upper house speaker and him being on the list has confirmed my assessment.

the guy i am talking about used a last-name he usually does not go with. which means he wants to go undercover.
if you know Somali politics you would not have asked me that question. but on that list i know one ultra N&N who i predicted over 1 year ago would be the new upper house speaker and him being on the list has confirmed my assessment.

the guy i am talking about used a last-name he usually does not go with. which means he wants to go undercover.

Miskeen could not even name one.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Beesha Habar Awal complains that they didnt get a say in Abdi Hashi closed seat. Nigga basically secured his seat by xoog without even a malxiis, no wonder he signed the agreement


mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
Beesha Habar Awal complains that they didnt get a say in Abdi Hashi closed seat. Nigga basically secured his seat by xoog without even a malxiis, no wonder he signed the agreement

Abdi hashi has never had any real connection to SL. he was born and raised in harar till 1960 and then he moved to xamar as a kid. The only connection he has to SL is that his father was HA :mjdontkno:


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