Somaliland region opposition politicians in Hargeisa need to create their own armies in Hargeisa


That way no can can attempt to arrest them. They need to take a example from President of Sanaag state Gen Caare who has 500 loyal soldiers (mostly his cousins) who are brave, loyal and won't hesitate putting their opponents 6ft under.



True Puntlander
That way no can can attempt to arrest them. They need to take a example from President of Sanaag state Gen Caare who has 500 loyal soldiers (mostly his cousins) who are brave, loyal and won't hesitate putting their opponents 6ft under.

Musa Jeegaan if he care for Somaliland future should go.


That way no can can attempt to arrest them. They need to take a example from President of Sanaag state Gen Caare who has 500 loyal soldiers (mostly his cousins) who are brave, loyal and won't hesitate putting their opponents 6ft under.

how about forget about playing democracy with jeegans, when such a thing doesnt even exist especially since they banned the opposition party and arrested party leaders clearly democracy doesnt exit their wasting their time protesting and getting shot by police they should leave and join caares army

thier is no point wasting time creating another army when an army already exists


how about forget about playing democracy with jeegans, when such a thing doesnt even exist especially since they banned the opposition party and arrested party leaders clearly democracy doesnt exit their wasting their time protesting and getting shot by police they should leave and join caares army

thier is no point wasting time creating another army when an army already exists

Valid point. However they need to create their own armies in their own deegaans. Caare operates in Sanaag, what is needed is someone like him that operates in the Hargeisa area. Once Hargeisa becomes unstable then you can say bye bye to Sland region.



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
@Bohol rer hargeisa are allergic to war urban folks are not battlehardened like Sanaag which is violeny prone


@Bohol rer hargeisa are allergic to war urban folks are not battlehardened like Sanaag which is violeny prone
Good point it's a stalemate they don't wanna go all the way to Sanaag and join caare and he can't come to them nor do Hergeisans wanna make a army since they never did


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Good point it's a stalemate they don't wanna go all the way to Sanaag and join caare and he can't come to them nor do Hergeisans wanna make a army since they never did
Muse Biixi power base is Sacad Muse(Jigjiga yare) and Arap. Once he loses Arap its over but as long as the local Arap is appeassed Hargeisa will continue to be under his rule


Muse Biixi power base is Sacad Muse(Jigjiga yare) and Arap. Once he loses Arap its over but as long as the local Arap is appeassed Hargeisa will continue to be under his rule
Musa bihi is a former member of said barre army who co opted tribal allegiance for his own blood thirst during his warlord days he massacred hyonis and awdal civilians today he wants to finish the job

Am pretty sure sooner or later he will loose all support as he uses tribes against one another
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Good point it's a stalemate they don't wanna go all the way to Sanaag and join caare and he can't come to them nor do Hergeisans wanna make a army since they never did

They don't need to join. Sanaagians are enough for Caare, Gen Caare military activities are mainly in Sanaag only for example when his community was attacked in Ceel Afweyn back in July he entered the area and slaughtered Sland supporters in Dararweyne. His hand doesn't reach Hargeisa though, is he going to fire a scud missile from Sanaag to Hargeisa? that is why reer Hargeisa need their own grassroots army to defend their interests as the distance is too far for Caare to cover.
They don't need to join. Sanaagians are enough for Caare, Gen Caare military activities are mainly in Sanaag only for example when his community was attacked in Ceel Afweyn back in July he entered the area and slaughtered Sland supporters in Dararweyne. His hand doesn't reach Hargeisa though, is he going to fire a scud missile from Sanaag to Hargeisa? that is why reer Hargeisa need their own grassroots army to defend their interests as the distance is too far for Caare to cover.
What your suggesting might cause the habar vs habar wars of the 90s. :gucciwhat:

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Why is wadani protesting anyway? Didn’t they lose? Your suggesting to destabilize Hargeisa, which might happen if these guys get weapons on their hands. Who would they use it on? Excuse my ignorance on the matter btw, I don’t mind looking clueless on this subject.
Democracy won’t work with skinnies. Both parties are at fault ones a sore loser while the other is arresting people for no reason. End of the day all of somaliland loses but people rather see chaos but don’t realize if war happens what than after ?

it’s only the ones behind a computer screen advocating for war but I doubt people back home are
Democracy won’t work with skinnies. Both parties are at fault ones a sore loser while the other is arresting people for no reason. End of the day all of somaliland loses but people rather see chaos but don’t realize if war happens what than after ?

it’s only the ones behind a computer screen advocating for war but I doubt people back home are
Walahi your right. Somalis don’t deserve democracy. And they of course would chimp out if the leader isn’t their beloved sub clan if their was a dictator.

Musa bixi seems 2 controlling and has dictator vibes. I know when I see a killer who has no remorse and he fits it. LOL

I predict he controls the situation and quells all the calaacal

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Walahi your right. Somalis don’t deserve democracy. And they of course would chimp out if the leader isn’t their beloved sub clan if their was a dictator.

Musa bixi seems 2 controlling and has dictator vibes. I know when I see a killer who has no remorse and he fits it. LOL
Nah I agree I didn’t think he would’ve been a good candidate. Silanyo should’ve gave someone else opportunity instead.

welp it was fun while it lasted :francis:
Nah I agree I didn’t think he would’ve been a good candidate. Silanyo should’ve gave someone else opportunity instead.

welp it was fun while it lasted :francis:
You should give the presidency to a businessman or a young guy that can galvanize the youth to lead the next generation. Forget those old SNM heads that do nothing but steal funds for themselves.

Taiwan wants ittiraf like you guys and they cannot get it but being an autonomous region like Sland, they built the hell out of their “country” which Sland is being mismanaged by former khat heads.
Muse bixi hasn’t done anything wrong. The opposition party are trying to get concessions they don’t have the constitutional right to through inciting tribal mobs. Hargeisa is a strong hold of kulmiye and got upto 70% of the cities vote if kulmiye create tribal mobs aswell we could see habar yonis who only inhabit 1 xafaad out of hundreds of xafaads of hargeisa end up being kicked out of hargeisa.

Law and order is paramount. If you want to hold a peaceful demonstration you have to do it in corobaration with the local municipality and you’ll be given a time and date like in the rest of the world. Somaliland is not lawless ninka xeerka jebiya waa la xidaya.


Muse bixi hasn’t done anything wrong. The opposition party are trying to get concessions they don’t have the constitutional right to through inciting tribal mobs. Hargeisa is a strong hold of kulmiye and got upto 70% of the cities vote if kulmiye create tribal mobs aswell we could see habar yonis who only inhabit 1 xafaad out of hundreds of xafaads of hargeisa end up being kicked out of hargeisa.

Law and order is paramount. If you want to hold a peaceful demonstration you have to do it in corobaration with the local municipality and you’ll be given a time and date like in the rest of the world. Somaliland is not lawless ninka xeerka jebiya waa la xidaya.

It was rigged elections, the Hargeisa council of seats only has only 8 seats for reer Kulmiye :lol: . Who is going to kick them out? you are not against a sub clan (Isaxaaq) but various HY now who own New Hargeisa district. They will have a field day in SM neighborhoods if a war breaks out.

It was rigged elections, the Hargeisa council of seats only has only 8 seats for reer Kulmiye :lol: . Who is going to kick them out? you are not against a sub clan (Isaxaaq) but various HY now who own New Hargeisa district. They will have a field day in SM neighborhoods if a war breaks out.

Bro who are you kidding hargeisa is a sacad muse goof. They own the overall majority of the city. There are 2 other clans cidagalle and arap that have advisory opinions. HY don’t even have an opinion when it comes to hargeisa. I get jabhads in other areas but even if the whole of Somaliland crumbled muse bixi will have a massive isbaro on the whole city of hargeisa. He’ll still control the berbera corridor and the tog wajaale custom. He will also have a fat isbaro in awdal. The eastern regions will defo be retreated from though.


Bro who are you kidding hargeisa is a sacad muse goof. They own the overall majority of the city. There are 2 other clans cidagalle and arap that have advisory opinions. HY don’t even have an opinion when it comes to hargeisa. I get jabhads in other areas but even if the whole of Somaliland crumbled muse bixi will have a massive isbaro on the whole city of hargeisa. He’ll still control the berbera corridor and the tog wajaale custom. He will also have a fat isbaro in awdal. The eastern regions will defo be retreated from though.

How are they the majority? this is the breakdown of Hargeisa council from 2012 elections.
They might be the slight majority but not overall. As for the Berbera to Hargeisa corridor
that is settled by Isaxaaq and Cidagale they controlled it during the habar habar wars, there
is no single SM settlement there the nearest is Dacarbudhuq village settled by your CM
cousins. :lol: Dhuulka so kala baro.

Hargeisa city council seats

7 HY

8 SM

4 Cidagale

4 Arab
How are they the majority? this is the breakdown of Hargeisa council from 2012 elections.
They might be the slight majority but not overall. As for the Berbera to Hargeisa corridor
that is settled by Isaxaaq and Cidagale they controlled it during the habar habar wars, there
is no single SM settlement there the interest is Dacarbudhuq village settled by your CM
cousins. :lol: Dhuulka so kala baro.

Hargeisa city council seats

7 HY

8 SM

4 Cidagale

4 Arab
Kkkk so what your telling me is HY population in hargeisa is the same as cidagalle and arap put together. War niyow xishood. Hargeisa is a sacad muse stronghold. That can be seen in every election. Cidagalle are the number 2 clan and number 3 is arap no other clan has the ability to even shoot a bullet or cause a fuss in hargeisa. No one else is even acknowledged. There are more cisse muse in burco than isaxaaq in hargeisa. Cidagalle don’t live north of maxamoud Haybe and isaxaaq don’t have any land. They’re not a clan with dhul oo dhagax digankara they live as shacaab with cidagalle responsible for them. They were recently allowed to have a Xafaad which is new hargeisa. The berbera to hargeisa road is a habar awal road isaxaaq didn’t even fight in the habar habar wars and bent the knee to cigaal. Because a militia had a isbaro somewhere doesn’t make it your degaan you don’t have a single tulo on that road. Sacad muse controlled hargeisa airport but that doesn’t make it a sacad muse degaan the airport is in an cidagalle degaan but no one can challenge habar awal in the total control of the city it will always stay in habar awal hands in the case of war.