BREAKING NEWS Somaliland declares more deportations of Southerns, this time in all of Sanaag


True Puntlander
the wasiir speaking is a Dubeys dhabodhilif, where is this shared town. :gaasdrink:


Sherlock Holmes, what would the displaced people achieve from having fake voter cards? If this is the argument you’re resorting to, you’ve already lost.

I told you in another thread what details a voter card is meant to contain which is that the SEX identity such as M is also written in Aff Somali.
As it's a Male the sex part must say Lab / M

You can see for yourself on google images and videos of actual cards.

Is there actual footage of this card or is it just another image?


I do something called "what I want"
He's making shit up like his majeertanya Beenland Yuube is where my kins settle and a buuq forces aren't allowed in there
Habar Yoonis have been kicked out of Yube ages ago lmao, stop living in the past.

Afro Asiatic

Stupid question she's legally a Somaliland citizen married to a Somaliland politician.

Any who's residing the country illegally is being deported from the republic tbh I'm against this rushed deportation as I believe Ethiopians deserve to be deported including those who hold refugee status
“Country” kulaha what a clown