Some Aborigines never change wallahi. The Commonwealth when you read how many people consist of it, 2 billion people and if you look at the 'wealth' it's all concentrated in 'white nations' while the 'black and brown nations' are completely pillaged to build up the 'mother country' of the UK so she can fund her real people 'anglo saxons'. Puntlanders are not familiar with the commonwealth but I am.
I live here in Australia and know what they are like and how they treated the indigenous owners of this country. It's sad to think Somaliland thinks it would've been any different to all the 'african shit holes they pillaged and made poor and colonized to point of no return'. In-fact if it wasn't for the American intervention in the 'gulf' the same story would've happened to them also and they would've been treated like Yemen. Yemen was the HQ for Somaliland, it was a 'dependency' of Aden.
Somaliland I wish you guys the best, but your only going with Isaaq. PL thank our ancestors we didn't sign shit with them 'anglo saxons' and no wonder we funnelled weapons to the mullah, those 'british' were about building up their wealth profile only back then and were not interested in advancing any society that wasn't white. Even Ireland pulled out of that shit fest.
U don't join the same organization that treated your people horrendous. I wish more Africans were like Irish and didn't join an organization that raped and pillaged you, you should learn from the Irish how to be self independent and forge stronger ties as you share a similar story and past with the british and ask for assistance on how to overcome that and reach Ireland stage. Ireland was an 'aborigine'. The Queen kept trying to conquer him also, he recovered after lots of wars, starvation, etc. Some aborigines 'way isdhaamaan' walahi.
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