Somalia will never return to the cohesive political unit that it once was prior to 1991

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This is the conclusion of the rapport:

Interesting observation and possibly true, somalis hate each-other and only wants good for their own qabil or family and not caring about the society as whole.

Right now, we are being used by Ehtiopia, Kenya and Al-shabbab supporting Qatar and our greatest enemy is own inteptitude, every tuulo wants to be a country and have the money it earn for itself.
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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Will read the report.

Somalia as single political entity was finished when SNM decided to secede and Aydiid decided to become a new dictator in the same place as MSB. This is my opinion btw, it is probably biased. Sad thing to think about.
Will read the report.

Somalia as single political entity was finished when SNM decided to secede and Aydiid decided to become a new dictator in the same place as MSB. This is my opinion btw, it is probably biased. Sad thing to think about.

Idoit had grandiose ideas and wanted to become President himself and instead he dies the very next year and leaves his people in abject terror and poverty that we will not get out of until I have grandkids.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
This is the conclusion of the rapport:

Interesting observation and possibly true, somalis hate each-other and only wants good for their own qabil or family and not caring about the society as whole.

Right now, we are being used by Ehtiopia, Kenya and Al-shabbab supporting Qatar and our greatest enemy is own inteptitude, every tuulo wants to be a country and have the money it earn for itself.

This is correct. People like @waraabe prove that.

1. somalis hate each-other and only wants good for their own qabil or family and not caring about the society as whole
Waraabe says: Somalis are my enemy

2. Right now, we are being used by Ehtiopia, Kenya and Al-shabbab supporting Qatar and our greatest enemy is own inteptitude, every tuulo wants to be a country and have the money it earn for itself.

Definition of people like Waraabe.


Your superior
This is correct. People like @waraabe prove that.

1. somalis hate each-other and only wants good for their own qabil or family and not caring about the society as whole
Waraabe says: Somalis are my enemy

2. Right now, we are being used by Ehtiopia, Kenya and Al-shabbab supporting Qatar and our greatest enemy is own inteptitude, every tuulo wants to be a country and have the money it earn for itself.

Definition of people like Waraabe.

You are the cancer that started all of this
"Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease". Surah 94:6

I wont have some kuffar who doesnt even wash himself and 99% smells like feces tell me the fate or the future of my country or people for it is up to Allah. Angola went through 27 years of war three times and look at them today. I understand as a human we tend to feel hopeless at times but those of us who are Muslim, must always try to remember that everything belongs to Allah and if he didnt deprive a non Muslim country like Angola the peace and development they enjoy today he(swt) certainly will not deprive Muslims.
How and why.

How did Puntland start this. I'm not saying Darod because I don't identify with it.

Please tell me how I (Born after the civil war) started all of Somalia's problems which includes Somaliland.

It is the sad reality that the average civil war can be waged for 54 years, we have alot waiting to do and will suffer because of the ignorance of our forfathers.


Your superior
How and why.

How did Puntland start this. I'm not saying Darod because I don't identify with it.

Please tell me how I (Born after the civil war) started all of Somalia's problems which includes Somaliland.

Lol at I don't identify with darod. Too bad since your people started qabyaalad. You are just pissed I told you to fuk off when you said punaniland should join SL


Your superior
Are you retarded? My land is 100% controlled by rahanweyn we are peaceful people. Rahanweyn resistance army is responsible for keeping our land free of AMISON and also keeping Madow in their place. Also I was trolling darod are my favourite clan after rahanweyn because they actually want their country to be stable and keep their lands live able. Isaaq take the coward way out
Lol you aren't raxanwayn so stop playing jebarti
70 % of population is younger than 30 and we are somehow ruled by dinosaurs who had classes with adam and eve smh :kodaksmiley:
Walahi u ain't lying, these old heads ain't doing shit. I'm really gonna go back home for a while and try to start a new young generation revolution, we can't just keep talking about it, we have to take some actions, I'm planning on going back early 2018 and stay there for a very long time to try to build some movement with diasporas and the ones already back home. We have to try to create a huge young base, so far I only see dinosaurs lol.
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