For the ethnonationalists out there who’d like to deny half-somali kids (w/ somali mothers) access/citizenship to Somalia, you ”lost” a long time ago. Somalia is already multi-ethnic and it won’t change anytime soon, infact the non ethnic somali population will only increase, and im not talking about somali bantus/benadiri/barwanis, but ethio refugees and the children of foreign jlhadis. The latter aren’t that many, but the former are far more than you think. And they’ll only increase in numbers.
By the time Somalia has ’recovered’ many would be atleast 2nd or 3rd generation, i’m so sorry but nobody will deport them in the future
just as random ajanabis who’ve lived in Somalia for decades will be granted citizenship in the future so will half-somali kids
By the time Somalia has ’recovered’ many would be atleast 2nd or 3rd generation, i’m so sorry but nobody will deport them in the future

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