Somalia was the only Muslim and African country to vote “yes” on holding debate on the rights situation in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur region.


Forza Somalia!
He was told by his xalane masters to vote. It is the opposite of being a man. Farmaajo would have probably obstained as picking a side usa vs China does not benefit somalia.
picking sides? It is about Uyghur genocide, there aren't sides


the sea
nobody cares about uyghur. they only care about their allies. somalia voted yes only because the US wants it to. and pakistan voted no because china wants it to
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picking sides? It is about Uyghur genocide, there aren't sides

Yes picking sides. America killed more Muslims then China. So it not like America is innocent. So yes somalia picked a side and they picked America over China. When they should have abstained. But culusow is ruled from xalane. And he will do what's told to him


I like the US over China, but I would have abstained from this, because its not in our interest to alienate china, this is a bad decision HSM is unhinged, focus on Alshabab and stop ruining Somalia foreign policy.


Forza Somalia!
Yes picking sides. America killed more Muslims then China. So it not like America is innocent. So yes somalia picked a side and they picked America over China. When they should have abstained. But culusow is ruled from xalane. And he will do what's told to him
So if we start talking about specific problem and trying to discuss it you’d came with whataboutism ?
if you want to discuss about American crimes it is ok,
But shutting down a discussion about a genocide just because another country did the same is dickshit


So if we start talking about specific problem and trying to discuss it you’d came with whataboutism ?
if you want to discuss about American crimes it is ok,
But shutting down a discussion about a genocide just because another country did the same is dickshit

He is president of Somalia and needs to think about somalias best interest. Culusow gives two shits about starving somalis you think he cares about chinise Muslims?

He was forced to do this by the xalane mafia.


What a cow perspective

The idiotic perspective is to way in on an international matter when you are a bunker government. He is president of Somalia not Khalifa of the Muslim world. His job is to the somali people.

Upsetting china because usa commanded is a dumb move. Correct move would be to not way in. And to stop stealing public funds.


What a cow perspective
Nigga is so cucked he's objecting to even voting for a debate on what China is doing to Uyghur minority :francis: it's a blight on the puppet Chinese African and muslim countries and he wants us to follow in their footsteps. what does china even offer to Somalia, a couple of vans of food :mjlol:


unlike Farmaajo the $2 prostitute.




LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
Yes picking sides. America killed more Muslims then China. So it not like America is innocent. So yes somalia picked a side and they picked America over China. When they should have abstained. But culusow is ruled from xalane. And he will do what's told to him
Hell yeah I’ll pick america over china any fucking day them Chinese will take ur women and whip you until you learn mandarin. Mareykan just want me to respect their gender pronouns 😂😂.


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
If you think Somalia was defending the Uyghurs by doing this you’re retarded. They were simply following their two biggest donors, the United States and the United Kingdom.
If you think Somalia was defending the Uyghurs by doing this you’re retarded. They were simply following their two biggest donors, the United States and the United Kingdom.
Do you genuinely believe the US and UK would cut their funding to Somalia depending on how we voted? Somalia, most of the time, votes in favour of Muslims


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Somalia should stand with the Uyghurs and the Palestinians and the Iraqis and the Afghanis and the Crimean Tartars, ameen.

Let’s not be a toy to superpowers but go back to our non-aligned status.


Somalia should stand with the Uyghurs and the Palestinians and the Iraqis and the Afghanis and the Crimean Tartars, ameen.

Let’s not be a toy to superpowers but go back to our non-aligned status.
youre right. the farmajo admins stance was due to bigger powers just like the current hsm admin stance. two sides of the same coin. its not due to principles.


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