Somalia should split up in 4 countries

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
Somaliland(obviously this name must change). I suggest Adal Republic.
Somalia (obviously this name must change). I suggest Ajuran Republic to honour the great Ajuran Empire.

Together with Djibouti we will be 5 strong Somali Countries Insha Allah
Sxb this is the best option.
As Somalis we dont love each other.
We cant live under the same roof.

Its better to have 4 seperate roofs.
:dzmxmmb:, but sadly we have idiots that pretend we love each other enough to share a country and just waste precious time. 30 years and somalis still cant forgive and move on so why force Somalia?


If it was like that then we would be cooperating so much better. Past is the past and if something happens to one Somali country we could help each other out.

Now it's just a complete shit show..
Somaliland(obviously this name must change). I suggest Adal Republic.
Somalia (obviously this name must change). I suggest Ajuran Republic to honour the great Ajuran Empire.

Together with Djibouti we will be 5 strong Somali Countries Insha Allah



Weeping for the Nation of 68
If it was like that then we would be cooperating so much better. Past is the past and if something happens to one Somali country we could help each other out.

Now it's just a complete shit show..

Yes, but this is the only condition i would be okay with somaliland.

No other option.

Either 4 countries option or Unity
Somalia is already split up into tribal nations each federal state is based on a tribe even the federal government in Mogadishu the parliament the government ministers the senate is already based on tribe.

Galmudug = hawiye

Cabudwaaq = comes under the federal government in Mogadishu

Somaliland = isaaq

Awdal = comes under the federal government in Mogadishu

Jubaland = darood

Hirshabelle = hawiye

South west state = digil iyo mirifle

Puntland = darood

Sool and sanaag ceyn = warsengeli and dhulbhante Will form a federal state


Brother @Exuberance let me slightly correct you in reality.

Somalia is already split up into tribal nations each federal state is based on a tribe even the federal government in Mogadishu the parliament the government ministers the senate is already based on tribe.

Galmudug = Habar Gedir

Cabudwaaq = comes under the federal government in Mogadishu

Somaliland = isaaq

Awdal = comes under the federal government in Mogadishu

Jubaland = Ogaden, Marehan

Hirshabelle = abgal and hawadle

South west state = digil iyo mirifle

Puntland = Majerten

Sool and sanaag ceyn = warsengeli and dhulbhante Will form a federal state


Somalia is already split up into tribal nations each federal state is based on a tribe even the federal government in Mogadishu the parliament the government ministers the senate is already based on tribe.

Galmudug = hawiye

Cabudwaaq = comes under the federal government in Mogadishu

Somaliland = isaaq

Awdal = comes under the federal government in Mogadishu

Jubaland = darood

Hirshabelle = hawiye

South west state = digil iyo mirifle

Puntland = darood

Sool and sanaag ceyn = warsengeli and dhulbhante Will form a federal state

Why do people keep saying this? No logic.. considering Warsangeli live in Bari.
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Somalis basically enjoy peace when things break down into sub-clans and federal states, notice the civil war was a stale-mate? because there was no alliances among the sub-clans to numerically dominate another sub-clan, hence federalism should hold the fort down and make things equalized AS LONG AS IT'S SUB CLAN BASED.

The second you get USC forming and Darod divided along sub-clan it's a numerical advantage for USC to dominate. If darod do the same to hawiye and divide them while uniting darod, the same will happen. Majerten shouldn't use it's numerical power on Isaaq either, they fear that and want harti waqoyi and awdal and even jabuti as back-up against Majerten neighbor which still isn't even ENOUGH in reality to match the majerten numerically.


Somalis are settled similar to this.

East = Majerten
South = Hawiye, Darod, Rahanwayn
North= Dir and harti
West = Ogaden

Notice colonialist called the eastern part of somalia majerteniya, there really is no other clan co-existin there that really counts and he did the same for western part of somalia and called it ogadeniya. Sure there is other clans existing there but they really don't make a dent to the fact the ogaden is so numerous same with the majerten being so numerous in the east. That's why the colonialists named it after their tribes.

Notice North and South was never named after a tribe? it indicates there is no one sole majority clan to name after and it's equalized. Isaaq isn't the majority in North and my population counting also came to that concluson and Hawiye is only majority in the south when hawiye combines together not as single sub clans.
The only time Somalis was something was when we were united.

Division destroyed our country and advocating for more division will further destroy our people.

Soomaalinimo will prevail over qabyaalad.
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Don't Divide Somalia in 4 countries but according to how they settle. You notice Majerteniya must be all majerteen because there is no clan in the east that owns a large chunk of our land that is significant, hence it's approrpriate to label that daaqsin or pasture lands and it's nomads all majertenia. The same can be said of ogadeniya, you may own small bits here and ther of ogadenia but when you look at the whole picture of ogadeniya, it's only a few small section you own and 80% is ogaden hence the name ogadeniya.

We do not see the same picture in the north. Half the land is harti the other half dir, so the nomads are half and half when measured isaaq/samaroon vs dhulbahante/warsangeli. They can form a state together sxb and I can see why colonialists saw wisdom behind somaliland formation as long as they share along the lines of dir and darod.

The south is no different to the north look how much land the darod have of the south that will tell you his nomadic population because he isn't fully settled into farming. Noone farms among the darod, it's the rahanwayn, Madows, and others who do that. Darod are on camels in Jubaland and their land size must be analyzed to determine their nomadic population. Hawiye has a big chunk 750 kilometer of land but most are settled and farming also except a few in the central regions, the rest are farmers and can be counted their settlements and homes while their nomadic population can be counted based on their land size because that will tell us their water wells.


I am suspicious that even if you combine all somalis they are still less then Darod and when u go overseas and see Somali demogaphics darod are always like 70% and 30% is like all other somali tribes, I always sat there wondering why is it darod are always numerous. Look at hawiye conferences, it's empty when they hold conferences at a sub-clan level and only gets big when it's hawiye conference and it's only the same size of puntland conference not darod conferences.

I really think hawiye and southern darods are similar size and their land size says it all how many nomad each has, plus hawiye is mostly settled clans now except the central parts, so you should be able to google earth count him and his farms and homes and cities. We can start counting Darod southerner cities and town and settlements but account for the land size to ensure their reer miyi are accounted for using a mathamatical formula based on water wells, dividing their livestock population per a national formula that is applied to all nomadic population irrespective of clan.

The land size of Jubaland is enough to tell they can put a good challenge to hawiye in who owns the south and that's just one branch of darod. We don't need to include Puntland,Ogadeniya or NFD at all just the southern darod vs hawiye. That's why no-one can ever conquer the south, the clans are very similar in size that's why. That's why noone can conquer the north between dhulbahante and isaaq, their similar sized clans but look how isaaq swallowed up samaroon they aint similar in size that's why, he stands no chance against dhulbahante though if united.


Please Somaliyay lets be honest and give darod like 70% of the parliament and 30% for rest of somalis cause that's how demographics are in reality. We cant play injustice game continously and making irrelevant clans relevant you will never get a bigger population because darod will continue to grow and has peace therefore everytime u try to grow he is growing too so it's always check mate and the statistics won't change on who is landheere and langaab.

We just need to accept how god put together Somalis and the landheere and langaab order system must be implemented and we must not equalize clans who are not equal in size.
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