Somalia should recognise Israel


Wallah Zoom4li’s are mad dumb. All the people in this thread crying ‘BuT WhAT aBOuT Muh AraB UmMah ‘ why do you care ? Their own cousins have made up with Israel and if there is something to gain for Somalia then it should also be done.
what's to gain with dealing with the kikes? there given 3 billion dollars in military aid by the Americans and they thank them by stealing American techology from them and selling it back. if that how they treat there biggest ally do you they'll treat us any beter?
farmajo isn't dumb enough to do that, he can barely handle the current protests imagine recognizing israel in a deeply religious country


gaajo african somalis thinking israel wants them as an ally :dead: :dead:

israel: we are a jewish state.

somalis: bliis we will recognize you jaalle yahuud pls help us dumb starving african somali biibal :feedme:

israel: ok we will give heavy weaponry to somalia and make somalia a strong country :gunsmiley::gunsmiley:

is this what goes through people's heads? :deadrose: :deadrose: @Waaqmasho

The Prophet literally let them have the Haram, which is Holier than al Aqsa, and left. Why? Because there was a greater Hikmah behind it. Let them have Aqsa for the time being, because it will return to us as the Proohet said, and let us return to our deen.

Thats exactly what the prophet did by going to Medinah and setting up a treaty with them. Is this supposed to be sarcasm ?!?!?!?!

They want more muslim countries to accept their existence and I dont see where in Islam it says to bury your head in the sand and act like a man doesnt exist.

The peoples ignorant reaction however is a fair point to consider.
keyword treaty. there was mutual peace the muslims and quraysh of makkah. the year after muslims made umrah peacefully for 3 days

ma garanayo waxaa ka hadleyso haye israel will intermittently open aqsa for unharassed and cease hostilities with muslims? haye warka soo tuur


We have much bigger problem to solve before involving ourself in mideast issues, however we should always side with right instead of wrong, no matter how much we stand to benefit from the situation. We can not backstab the Palestinian people just because everyone else has, we have always stood up for xaq and it shouldn't change :)
The arms embargo has no thing to do with Israel. Idk why some people like to link the two.
I give zero fuks about Palestinians but this is not the right now. Israel is pretty much the Jewish version of UAE. They won’t stop until the Turkish are removed from Somalia. They won’t hesitate on breaking Somalia apart to prevent the Turkish influence. The FGS is currently too week to deal with UAE. Who are tied due to the Arab League laws. Isreal on the hand, careless about UN let alone AL. Let’s not draw more attention to Somalia and focus on cleaning AS and getting the arms embargo lifted.

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant
You've just exposed the US and Israel's hegemony on the world stage, recognize and establish ties with Israel and we'll give you something in return, nevermind the brutal repression of Palestinians and illegal occupation of lands
Horta wtf is wrong with somalis why tf would u care about pales when ur own ppl r dying of hunger when the normal ppl of pales r living better then somalis

walalhi 68 is strong with this one

arab this arab that where was muslim world in ogaden war where was arabs in the civil war no where to be seen but as soon something happens to some arabs muslim world is crying gtfo

i can finally understand ur points @Hassan mahat


Forget Somalias embargo @Farjano-Walad is right we are too uncivilized to deserve that. The muslim world should have come together with all their chips and bargained that Israel must accept all Palestinian right of return as they do with Jews. Palestinians would have a supermajority again after some time and muslims would regain access to the Haram.
gaajo african somalis thinking israel wants them as an ally :dead: :dead:

israel: we are a jewish state.

somalis: bliis we will recognize you jaalle yahuud pls help us dumb starving african somali biibal :feedme:

israel: ok we will give heavy weaponry to somalia and make somalia a strong country :gunsmiley::gunsmiley:

is this what goes through people's heads? :deadrose: :deadrose: @Waaqmasho

keyword treaty. there was mutual peace the muslims and quraysh of makkah. the year after muslims made umrah peacefully for 3 days

ma garanayo waxaa ka hadleyso haye israel will intermittently open aqsa for unharassed and cease hostilities with muslims? haye warka soo tuur
Your almost making an argument from Diin but not fully because it has no legs. Stop trying to shut ideas down with unbacked dogma.

I dont know anywhere in Islam I am called upon to not recognize reality the prophet recognized Quraysh and their hold over the Haram through that treaty for a clear benefit. Show me the evidence that your failed tactic is Islamically obligatory and I will fold to it in a heartbeat.


Forza Somalia!
We have seen countless Muslim countries recognise Israel of late. Many of those illiterate in geopolitics or those overly emotional types who have no rational faculties have condemmed this move. However, those who understand affairs as they are can see the wisdom in accepting the reality as it is in exchange for something that benefits them.

We have seen Sudan accept reality and get removed from the terrorism list. We have seen Morocco accept reality and get it's control of Western Sahara recognized. And before them Egypt accepted reality and was given back Sinai.

I recommend Somalia accepts reality as well and asks for the following:
1. For the arms embargo to be lifted for the Federal Government of Somalia only.
2. For the debt to be cleared in totality.
3. For modern weapons for the national army.
4. For loan-free grants to build vital infrastructure and kickstart development.

If Farmaajo and Fahad implement this, they will cement their power for decades to come and we will all be better for it.
Basically means, we saw countless muslims countries shiting on the streets, why we shouldn't do the same ?


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
Shit is stupid, the average Palestinian still has a much better life under Israel than the average Somali in Somalia.

May as well get the few benefits since not recognising Israel doesn't get us anywhere.
gaajo african somalis thinking israel wants them as an ally :dead: :dead:

israel: we are a jewish state.

somalis: bliis we will recognize you jaalle yahuud pls help us dumb starving african somali biibal :feedme:

israel: ok we will give heavy weaponry to somalia and make somalia a strong country :gunsmiley::gunsmiley:

is this what goes through people's heads? :deadrose: :deadrose: @Waaqmasho

keyword treaty. there was mutual peace the muslims and quraysh of makkah. the year after muslims made umrah peacefully for 3 days

ma garanayo waxaa ka hadleyso haye israel will intermittently open aqsa for unharassed and cease hostilities with muslims? haye warka soo tuur
People on this site are funny, niggas would insult and denigrate themselves before they admit there's no reason to not recognise Israel. A bunch of dhegcas lost a war and their victimhood becomes part of your pride.

What clinched the deal, however, was a decision by the Trump administration to make the normalization of ties with Israel a precondition for removing Sudan from the list of states the U.S. considers sponsors of terrorism. That designation blocked Khartoum from seeking much-needed help from international financial organizations such as the World Bank and imposed limits on U.S. companies doing business in Sudan

Chadian security sources say the country has acquired Israeli equipment to help battle rebels in the country's north.

Chad is also one of several African states engaged in Western-backed operations against Boko Haram and Islamic State group jihadists.

gaajo African country's do benefit from recognising Israel. Believe it or not getting on America's good side tends to be good for you in the long run.