Somalia President Farmaajo refuses to meet governor Muuse Bixi in third party country

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Kulankii Farmaajo iyo Muuse Biixi oo baaqday iyo Farmaajo oo soo aaday Xamar

Wararka laga helayo dalka Jabuuti ayaa sheegaya in inuu baaqday kulan la qorsheynayey in maanta uu adaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo magaalada Addis Ababa kula yeesho madaxweynaha Somaliland, Muuse Biixi Cabdi.

Farmaajo oo xalay soo gaaray magaalada Jabuuti, wadahadalna maanta la qaatay madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle ayaa hadda kasoo duulay Jabuuti, isaga oo kusoo wajahan Muqdisho.

Wararku waxay sheegayaan in Farmaajo ka baaqday safarkii Itoobiya iyo kulankii ay qabanqaabisay Itoobiya ee dhex mario lahaa isaga iyo madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi.

Xogta aan helnay ayaa sheegeysa in inkasta oo kulanka la isku raacay markii hore haddana la isku qabtay qodobo muhiim ah oo ku saabsan wada-hadalka.

Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi ayaa Maanta safray magaalada Addis Ababa, kaddib markii uu martiqaad uu u soo diray Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Itoobiya.

War-saxaafadeed goor dhow kasoo baxay madaxtooyada Somaliland ayaa lagu xaqiijiyey in Muuse Biixi uusan Addis-Ababa kula kulmi doonin cid aan ahayn Abiy Ahmed.

Ilaa iyo hadda si cad looma oga qodobada la isku qabtay, hase yeeshee wararka ayaa sheegaya in Farmaajo diiday in wada-hadalka saddex geesood noqdo, oo Itoobiya qeyb ka noqoto sida Muuse Biixi uu rabo, balse Farmaajo uu doonayo in Itoobiya ay lahaato kaliya door qaban-qaabin kaliya.

Muuse Biixi ayaa horey shuruud uga dhigay inuusan aamini karin dowladda Soomaaliya, sidaas darteed wada-hadal kasta oo uu la galo ay qasab tahay inay dhinac saddexaad goobjoogo ka noqoto.

Farmaajo ayaa aaminsan in Soomaalida ay ayaga un waxooda dhameystaan.


This is the correct move for the Somalia government since it also refused third party meetings with other mamuul goboleeds.
This is the correct move for the Somalia government since it also refused third party meetings with other mamuul goboleeds.

Amen to that

It would have been silly to meet them in Addis
If in a 3rd country I would only consider Djibouti as acceptable.


Amen to that

It would have been silly to meet them in Addis
If in a 3rd country I would only consider Djibouti as acceptable.

Yep. I give points to the the President for that. I actually didn't want him to meet the governor
in Addis it would have looked inappropriate since the other mamuul goboleeds would demand
future talks in third party countries as well.


Kulan kii Farmaajo Iyo Muuse Biixi Oo Fashil Ku Dhow iyo Wararkii ugu Danbeeyay+Maxaase La isku Haya!?
Feb 20, 2019

Jabuuti{ Khaatumonews }Wararka laga helayo dalka Jabuuti ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo uu qarka u saaran yahay safar la qorsheeyay inuu ku tago magaalada Addis ababa in uu Baajiyo Islamarkaana isla manta kusoo laabtao Muqdisho.

Farmaajo oo xalay soo gaaray magaalada Jabuuti, wadahadalna maanta la leh madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle ayaa wararku sheegayaan in Itoobiya ay qabanqaabisay kulan dhex mara isaga iyo madaxweynaha SNM Muuse Biixi, laakiin la isku hayo qodobo muhiim ah oo ku saabsan qabsoomidda kulankaasi.

Xogta ka heshay Qaar kamidiah Madaxta Villa soomaaliya ayaa sheegeysa in madaxweyne Farmaajo uu mabda’ ahaan aqbalay, soona dhoweeyay inuu la kulmo Madaxweynaha SNM Muuse Biixi Cabdi, laakiin uu doonay inuu kulanku noqdo mid laba geesood ah oo Itoobiya ay qaadato door ah fududeyn, taasoo ay diidan tahay Somaliland.

Arrimaha la isku hayo ayaa waxaa ka mida: Cidda dhexdhexaadineysa iyo Heerka kulanka labada dhinac, iyadoo sidoo kale ay jiraan arrimo kale oo ku hor gudban kulanka.

Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa wada dadaal ay ku dooneyso inuu shirkaasi dhaco, iyadoo saacadaha soo socda uu soo bixi doono go’aanka ugu danbeeya.


Didn't you guys say Abiye was for Somali unity? Why don't you trust him like you trusted:cosbyhmm: Turkey?

Third party talks were done only under Sharif and HSM. Farmaajo is a different president he is tough on the mamuul goboleeds and secessionists.
Didn't you read the news? he was only okay with one and one talk not third party. Whether it is Ethiopia or another country.
How can you then tell me why is Muuse Biixi still in Ethiopia? Why didn't Farmaajo cancel the whole meeting and not allow Muuse to go to Addis Ababa?


How can you then tell me why is Muuse Biixi still in Ethiopia? Why didn't Farmaajo cancel the whole meeting and not allow Muuse to go to Addis Ababa?

He is stranded there and meeting with a mamuul goboleed party leader (Shide) sameway he met with Cagjar. Change of plan.
Bohol is right. President Mohamed Abdullahi refused to meet Muuse Biixi in Addis Ababa and in response they hoisted Somaliland flag to welcome him.
How can Farmaajo accept that? If he claims to be the president of the fromer Somali Republic then Ethiopia is undermining the sovereignty of Somalia by hoisting the Somaliland flag.
Bohol you are right Sharif and HSM will not so that Farmaajo has history behind him, his folks ruled Somalia for 21 years so he will not accept such gunnimo.

The likes of Sharif and HSM were amateurs and apprentices.


Bohol you are right Sharif and HSM will not so that Farmaajo has history behind him, his folks ruled Somalia for 21 years so he will not accept such gunnimo.

The likes of Sharif and HSM were amateurs and apprentices.

It was expected cause each term the Somalia Gov gets stronger. HSM wasn't as weak as
Sharif and Farmaajo isn't as weak as HSM. The person that replaces Farmaajo will properly
be even more harder on Somalia sovereignty.
Bohol you are spot on though HSM made many gaffes.

I guess he was desperate when he visited Jigjiga before the election.

HSM was surprisingly strong on this issues even the maritime dispute.
HSM went even as far as to shred an agreement he signed with Somaliland to share the airspace and other agreed points.

Initially he was like hapless Sharif but to his credit he trashed that agreement and Somaliland was crying out loud but the FGS had no copy of it and the airspace control was only returned to Mogadishu.
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