Sayidka once remarked:
I dare a man to rule somalis with out chopping off their heads, meaning they are big headed and arrogant and stubborn
the british offered the sayid to be the king of the somalis, he refused, he knew what he would get into and it would suck him, like ibn saud who was paid byn the west to attack maccah, medina and massacre so many muslims and in 1926 to destroy the khilifa
when the muslims around the world organsie a meeting to talk about the khilafa, ibn saud was paid to make another competing meeting/conference
we cannot be ruled unless he is ruthless,
I dare a man to rule somalis with out chopping off their heads, meaning they are big headed and arrogant and stubborn
the british offered the sayid to be the king of the somalis, he refused, he knew what he would get into and it would suck him, like ibn saud who was paid byn the west to attack maccah, medina and massacre so many muslims and in 1926 to destroy the khilifa
when the muslims around the world organsie a meeting to talk about the khilafa, ibn saud was paid to make another competing meeting/conference
we cannot be ruled unless he is ruthless,