Somalia Is Archaelogical Treasure


Africa has found all the languages u see and learning styles, if u copy their 'skyscrapers' that means your 'learning' from them which is later development after the learning styles were established here. You need to be uniquely different to them if he builds skyscraper u must do something that resembles more the ancient history of the continent. His is all made up after middle ages. U even bring arabic as official langauge that has so many modern words from international market, it's no longer rare u never been a language that is rare in value with something everyone else has in the market place. Keep Somali the only official language.

Let arabic circulate around the market and become pulluted and less pure. U must protect your tongue if you cannot do this u will remove all traces of your humanity. U will be seen as the people that are 'apes' because apes has no language. If they find no langauge in africa they will say europe laga soo guuray oo africa apes buu ahaa luqada arabic iyo quran la baray danyeerku. All african countries kept their langauge isolated because the major languages were polluting itself in wars now it's less value. A language is like 'wine' the rarer it is, the higher it is. Languages are the same.

Ancient 'egypt' controlled the africa continent, he didn't cross the waters to europe, that was meelaha danyeerka joggo which was neaderthal at the time, they were still under the curse of god. Only middle east was added to the axis. That's why it's called Afro-Asiatic. Persians were outside like monkeys brother, their empire came from monkeys


The reason is if you don't protect your tongue you won't know anything to baseline against. U can't baseline against english and french or persian these are the monkey people who were all cursed and outside the convenant of god. The language reminds u to cross reference your language for words, it will show u which words came from monkey culture in asia and europe because its missing in your language. Plus you don't have long list of 'crimes' in your language meaning u know the 10 commandments. They need 1 million laws europeans/australianns/americans/asians, their laws have u seen how complex it is? because the culture started from monkeys

U will become like aborigiens no more languages he has to study english and find his history and look at him they insult him and call him monkey danyeer, that will be africa if they dont preserve all their ancient langauges. The ancient languages closer to god period are holy


We can save only noah ppl during the flood the aborigines their still 'halal' as they were in the same age as all mankind. The convenant people is any society that already knows the 10 commandments and laws and doesn't have unknown crimes from 'european/asian' people. They were kept separate, their under 'savior' rescue. We don't know jesus, mohamed, moses. We are under god convenant, we can join their religions for extra understanding of God but not follow their laws as it's not an issue inherent in our legacies. Our treasures of egypt are traced thru our langauges not going to sphinx they left that behind for scavengers but left the history and culture and languages for the people to know how to find what is important, the continent is gods land. Europe/Asia are are under test with jesus who came from this convenant but he couldnt step in your land either, no-one could it unholy, it was intended for those outside the convenant

Life is about history as the scrolls are lifted, you can't make up one yourself, the more fake it looks, they just look for what's rare to counter it, it's failed process by europeans/asians u basically in a loop of failure by anything u do, u just accept grace of jesus christianity, or else your heading towards bad place as the start of your civilization was essentially monkeys


If the european loves, we must hate, if the european loves, we must hate. We just counter them in everything if the european is rich, we must be poor, if the european is poor, we must be rich. The idea is so we don't mix each other up as equals. Even jews are defiled by them as moses wouldnt go there, jesus wouldn't, it was big risk exporting their laws to holy land, now the holy land only thing left is ethiopian jews the rest are jews from centuries of learning gentile laws and crimes

We should rescue aborigines as their confirmed noahides by our traditions. They only count to 1, so they didn't encounter ancient egypt, they left after the flood or got lost maybe. They circumise still, they know god, and the law is minimal as there is no need for one from noah era. They know murder like cain and abel which is the only crime acceptabled as flaw of mankind, if your law has more crimes then that. Your possibly 10 commandment people as u need 10 laws. Aborigines need 1 law. They dont need to pray, fast, or do anything religious. The people who need to pray are the converted muslims and christians in europe/asia only. Ethiopian jews dont need to
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The sharciya is for those beyond 10 crimes and commandments in their culture and language, they are not under shariah people who only know 1 crime, they are closer to the purest form of religion. The more sharciya is for people of europe-asia. Middle East as they do crimes as much as 10 commandments. Africa is pure as hell sxb our diya system and blood money shows ma jiro sharci xoogan ileen qowmkani uma bahno sharciga islamka. If they are praying because they hope qowmkasi dembiyasha badan ku jiro dhaqankooda iyo luqada waa arin kale they may get ajar but to pray when you dont have LAWS is ridiculous, dembi ayaa keeno praying. Even if u follow them illahi wuxu dal kasto uu sheegay sidi aad tihin ayaa la idin imtixama, hadi somalia salad dukanayso oo aysan uu bahin, sharcigasi ma xoos timado ayaa la oran waa lagu been sheegay waa islamka beenta oo kuffarta ah


Somalis get owned 'aqoon' means 'knowledge' if you know what 'knowledge' is that means you know literature, poetry, god, writing, numbers, and where sophisticated or else the word would be 'absent' in your language and it would be foreign loan word like european-asian-and some middle eastern pagan areas. U can basically claim all the root of their learning as it brought to them to thru transfers. Just always ask each language what is the word of 'knowledge' and find if the rural person knows it not the urbanite. If it's known in the rural, they had knowledge

Somali language shows all the sophistications of the roots of every field in europe and america, those languages were built for neaderthals, infact they were outside the curse thats how they lived as they didn't know have language till much later europe/asia. U also see a '1 god' missingn in their language, they have no concept of god, but animals and shit, just ask the key words to be civilized and u will see its transferred because u wont see the rural people know it, only urbanites. U didn't 10 commandments you had one commandment dont kill and blood money in badiyo. The rest is unknown to the culture and comes from the europeans/asians/middle easterners. Thats why god keep somalia away from invasions, its gods land

The only way to test a society sophistication is

1. Are they circumised if they weren't this meant they didn't know that the whole point of is to show god your not among the cursed monkeys in europe/asian

2. Concept of god like 1 god no idols. This means you don't need idolatry laws like arabia did

3. Check out the words for 'knowledge' as if they don't understannd knowledge, you can't understand what names are, or anything

4. Ask how many ancestors do u remember, if he doesn't remember the monkeys dont count their names. Thats why ppl counted their names to show their so human. I have longer lineage then queen elizabeth and im just normal person. In real world I am worth all continents their low class

5. Kitaab, sayf, waxasi dhan waxay ka timaday arabta markay soo galeen somalia waxay soo gudbiyeen dhaqanka xumadooda oo raba inay dadkani isku sharci noqdan. Dadkani uma bahna kitaab illahi waa yaqanan, orod dadkasi arabta uu aada. Illahi wuxu gaalo yiri dadka aan aqoonta lahayn in loo aado ma aha in somalia, ethiopia, sudan, iyo meelaha aqoontooda uu dhigmo ancient egypt taalo, we still can translate all all ancent egyptian but we wont share it as they wont understand the meanings behind the animals not knowing why their chosen based on value system used. Ancient egyptian script was written measured against gold, so u need to know gold levels and meaning in our culture or else we wouldnt report to them

Ancient egypt xita ma jeclayn geelka waa 'middle east' darods wud suffer low prices ma raban geelka ka timid arabia waa dad yaaban. Ancient egyptian cave art waa jira las geel, illahi soo celiya somalida dhabta ah kuwa dalka joggo oo geel dhaqdo waa kuwa arabta ka yimi oo qiimahooda ka yar somalida rasmiga ah. Wuu noo tanasulay inu luqadisa noo reeb si aad hikmada baratan If the language is gone, qowmkasi waa dhintay. Markay qowmki fircaaun baabeecen sidu illahi yiri waxay heeshish la galeen arabta oo ugu dhow qiimo ahan waxay yirahdeen war anaga waan tagnaye, si wada bahashu. Qowmkasi balan bay galeen inaysan yeelaynin niin aan dahir ahayn oo uu dhigmo fircauni iyo dadka la safan inay caradooda soo galan, waa dad qiimo badan oo weli somalidu uu yeeray inay si wadan oo geelkina iska dhaqda oo arabta ayaa ka timadeen kan ugu dhow qiimahooda arabta bay ahayeen
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Yahudkasi keleb weeye fircaun waa qowm aad uu shaqaysan jiray, naagahooda ayaa la gudi jirey, nimankooda waa sinayeen, xitaa adoonkooda, qof walbo dahab ayaa saarna xitaa luqaadooda iyo qoraalkooda dahab ayaa loo qiyaasi jirey. Wa dadki xaarkooda uu soo cunay qaaarada africa inay hantan lakin yahudki b a jambal soo turey oo musa. jambalka waa anan illahi ii siiye tawrada waan ka fa'idaysanaya anigo liito baan soo galaya fircauni, naagahooda lama ogleen ma gudna waxay uu dhigma hayawanki. Fircaun ma kaftami jirin, wax kasto waa inay aqoon ku jirta, illahi ayuu ku yiri ninkani xun ma dadkayga iga yeelayo. Malintasi yahud dambe lama jeclayn wala arkay xaq d arada laga galay qowmki fircaun iyo kuwa ku xirna somalia, sudan, eritrea, ethiopia. Illa manta yahud inkaar kasto quranka waa haysta, dilka isse, dilki nabiyada. Fircaun ayaa laga gar daran dee. anaga leh aqoonta illahi waa inu soo mara fircaun oo dahir ah

qowmka fircaun ma aha kuwa magalada joggo masar, waa kuwa badiyaha illa badda hoose ayaa fircauni ku xirna, magalada waxay ahayd murayad wax badan lama gelin jirin, luqadada ayaa lagu qarin jirey. Musa intu yaabay yahuud ma gursan wuxu kursayda ethiopian oo halal ah
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