Somalia FM rushes to Ethiopia after latest developments

Why didnt they threaten to cut ties like they did with Kenya ?

" AaBo AbiY, bLeEz d0Nt RekOGNiZe SoMaliLand"


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Niggas are embarrassing.

It’s like Farmaajo’s government has lost all their foreign policy acumen in the last few years.

If I were him, I would’ve recalled the Somali ambassador in Addis for consultation and sent the Ethiopian ambassador back temporarily.

At least that gives the idea that they’re doing something as opposed to this sprint to addis for a quick beg KMT.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
I swear, I feel like supporting Somaliland ticket out of Somalia when I see this extreme Cuqdad Farmaajo and his 1 KM SQ controlled government has for our Northern brothers.

The failed incompetent Xabash agent has ISIS closing down the whole Bakaara market at his doorstep but had the audacity to dispatch his FM to Ethiopia about Somaliland, the Cuqdad this B0on has for Somaliland is extremely deadly and concerning, Walaahi.:snoop:


I swear, I feel like supporting Somaliland ticket out of Somalia when I see this extreme Cuqdad Farmaajo and his 1 KM SQ controlled government has for our Northern brothers.

The failed incompetent Xabash agent has ISIS closing down the whole Bakaara market at his doorstep but had the audacity to dispatch his FM to Ethiopia about Somaliland, the Cuqdad this B0on has for Somaliland is extremely deadly and concerning, Walaahi.:snoop:
Coming from you of all people


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Coming from you of all people
View attachment 213130

I might post anti-SL threads out of banter and Jokes but unlike Xaarmaajo I don't spend a country's taxes money to sabotage other Somalis whom by the way my Atheist uncle has massacred as well.

Waryaa, you need to learn the difference between an internet banter and the real Cuqdad which all the Buuns have for Somaliland, we MJs don't even hate them as much even though they are holding our kind hostage in Sool/Sanaag.
@Dalalos_ibn_Adali is it true that all Marehans hate SL as Manafesto alleges?
Don't buy his BS. This manafesto probably has more anti-SL cuqdad than anyone. He spends his days fabricating BS about Somaliland, creating a million baseless, fabricated articles that no-one engages with, as it's basically what he pulled out of his toilet that morning. All this just so he can make SL look bad on an internet forum, but no-one apart from a few of his ilk around.

I've met many Marexaan in real life and though they oppose SL independence, none had any real anti-SL cuqdad. Farmaajo does have plenty of it though and I'm sure plenty of others do too, but it is ludicrous to say all of them do.

He is just projecting here.
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I might post anti-SL threads out of banter and Jokes but unlike Xaarmaajo I don't spend a country's taxes money to sabotage other Somalis whom by the way my Atheist uncle has massacred as well.

Waryaa, you need to learn the difference between an internet banter and the real Cuqdad which all the Marehans have for Somaliland, we MJs don't even hate them as much even though they are holding our kind hostage in Sool/Sanaag.
@cow @TekNiKo @Waaqmasho @Calaf

Marvel Studios Omg GIF by Disney+

next you will see the dhaboyaco extremist writing love letters to SL LMAO


Don't buy his BS. This manafesto probably has more anti-SL cuqdad than anyone. He spends his days fabricating BS about Somaliland, creating a million baseless, fabricated articles that no-one engages with, as it's basically what he pulled out of his toilet that morning. All this just so he can make SL look bad on an internet forum, but no-one apart from a few of his ilk around.

I've met many Marexaan in real life and though they oppose SL independence, none had any real anti-SL cuqdad. Farmaajo does have plenty of it though and I'm sure plenty of others do too, but it is ludicrous to say all of them do.

He is just projecting here.

Abdiqasim- he appointed a Dhulbahante PM to reign in SL politically, that PM later established Khatumo state
Abdullahi Yusuf - he attacked SL as well as damaging it politically by establishing PL which claims territory in Togdheer, Sanaag, Sool.
Sh Sharif he basically extended what ABdullahi Yusuf did by empowering PL and they continued to wage war in SL, PL is pro-status quo not anti-SL or pro-SL their biggest victim is Dhulbahante not even SL.
Hassan sh albeit neutral towards SL did use SL territory to disrupt PL, he was flirting with the idea of recognizing Khatumo state but only to reign in PL, just as he did with recognizing Galmudug.
Farmaajo opened official FGS negotiation with SL Admin and ignored PL all together in these negotiation, Dhulbahante were represented in both FGS and I believe in SL delegations these negotiations unfortunately did not bear any fruits, but no war and no support for PL against SL, he also apologiesed for the previous state sanctioned wars against the people of SL including but not only the bombings of Hargaisa in 88 which lead to innocent civilians being killed as well as SNM rebels.
I swear, I feel like supporting Somaliland ticket out of Somalia when I see this extreme Cuqdad Farmaajo and his 1 KM SQ controlled government has for our Northern brothers.

The failed incompetent Xabash agent has ISIS closing down the whole Bakaara market at his doorstep but had the audacity to dispatch his FM to Ethiopia about Somaliland, the Cuqdad this B0on has for Somaliland is extremely deadly and concerning, Walaahi.:snoop:

I might post anti-SL threads out of banter and Jokes but unlike Xaarmaajo I don't spend a country's taxes money to sabotage other Somalis whom by the way my Atheist uncle has massacred as well.

Waryaa, you need to learn the difference between an internet banter and the real Cuqdad which all the Marehans have for Somaliland, we MJs don't even hate them as much even though they are holding our kind hostage in Sool/Sanaag.

it may be a shock to hear this from me, but I get where your coming from 100%. I’ve been thinking recently about things from SL perspective and I’m starting to have more sympathy when I look at the pure selfishness is villa somalia.

I’m just hoping it’s just a faarmajo thing and the next prez will take security and talks with SL more seriously. Faarmajo while being vehemently anti SL, is responsible more than any other prez in bringing SL closer recognition (still impossible IMO) and getting international sympathy.
Abdiqasim- he appointed a Dhulbahante PM to reign in SL politically, that PM later established Khatumo state
Abdullahi Yusuf - he attacked SL as well as damaging it politically by establishing PL which claims territory in Togdheer, Sanaag, Sool.
Sh Sharif he basically extended what ABdullahi Yusuf did by empowering PL and they continued to wage war in SL, PL is pro-status quo not anti-SL or pro-SL their biggest victim is Dhulbahante not even SL.
Hassan sh albeit neutral towards SL did use SL territory to disrupt PL, he was flirting with the idea of recognizing Khatumo state but only to reign in PL, just as he did with recognizing Galmudug.
Farmaajo opened official FGS negotiation with SL Admin and ignored PL all together in these negotiation, Dhulbahante were represented in both FGS and I believe in SL delegations these negotiations unfortunately did not bear any fruits, but no war and no support for PL against SL, he also apologiesed for the previous state sanctioned wars against the people of SL including but not only the bombings of Hargaisa in 88 which lead to innocent civilians being killed as well as SNM rebels.
That's a terribly biased view of history from a Marexaan perspective.

Farmaajo has been by far the worst anti-SL president followed by Abdiqaasim & Cabdulaahi Yusuf. Hassan Sh Maxmuud and Sheikh Sharif were both relatively neutral compared to the others.


That's a terribly biased view of history from a Marexaan perspective.

Farmaajo has been by far the worst anti-SL president followed by Abdiqaasim & Cabdulaahi Yusuf. Hassan Sh Maxmuud and Sheikh Sharif were both relatively neutral compared to the others.
Farmaajo can recognize Khatumo, they are his Rer Abti and fellow Darood, remember that, but he hasn't, so how can he you say he is anti-SL. Dhulbahante only in SL and PL because previous leaders out of clan reason did not recognize them, so just to be clear your assessment is wrong in regards to Farmaajo's policy towards SL.
Farmaajo can recognize Khatumo, they are his Rer Abti and fellow Darood, remember that, instead he opened up talks with SL and reverted to pre-union negotiation style basically starting from the beginning, if that is not being neutral I dunno, Hassan Sh recognize Galmudug which at the time was a 1.5 district state Cadaado and Baraxley. Khatumo has more right to be recognized even now than Galmudug had, but Farmaajo is not anti-PL nor is he using SL against PL he is actually being fair and neutral to all Somalis.
Dude, it's clear you see everything in entirely through a Mx prism. It would be impossible for you to see clarity here.

Just to put things into perspective a little for you though, Farmaajo is the only Somalia president that said Somaliland should apologise to the Faqqash. Just process that, and you're blinkers might slowly start to come off.


Dude, it's clear you see everything in entirely through a Mx prism. It would be impossible for you to see clarity here.

Just to put things into perspective a little for you though, Farmaajo is the only Somalia president that said Somaliland should apologise to the Faqqash. Just process that, and you're blinkers might slowly start to come off.
You are referring to the FGS - SL talks, he apologiesed to SL people first President to do that coming out of Villada, also yes he did say all Somalis should apologies to each other referring to SNM atrocities against people of Borama among other places, but it was an advice not a conditional request.
You are referring to the FGS - SL talks, he apologiesed to SL people first President to do that coming out of Villada, also yes he did say all Somalis should apologies to each other referring to SNM atrocities against people of Borama among other places, but it was an advice not a conditional request.
Lol, that is you spinning what he said. He specifically said they have to apologise to us. He didn't say anything about SNM or Borama. Everyone knew what he meant. Everyone except his apologists.

Again as I said, you're views are highly skewed. He couldn't just bring himself to apologize, his animus just wouldn't let him.

Btw I am glad he didn't do a fake apology, and showed his true colours instead. Showing SL who he is, was great for us.


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