Somalia Culture/ Religion Needs To Copy Turkey/Malaysia


Somalia issue isn't bad leadership as many point too nor is it random but a continous and systemic bad leadership and this can only point back to the culture and religion these people were born from, nothing else can create failure on such a wide and systemic scale. I've discussed the cultural aspect of Somalia which plays a big role.

The Somali culture value an easy life, have big ambitions and want big money and titles but they won't ever put in the hard work or dedication, this is quite universal. Their like a person wanting to climb a mountain, he will boast all day, meet, discuss on climbing the mountain, but that is where it ends, their no tangible action plan in anything they ever say. They host also criminal-terrorists who even work against them at a clan level, their elders will even intervene on a criminal/terrorist case destroying the meaning of the rule of law as everyone resorts back to zoo-like conditions.

This is a culture that promotes corruption as a 'good' thing, their leaders do what-ever they want and u will never see any social backlash, in-fact they honor them lol. The guy who is hurting u yet they honor him is one of the scariest failed aspect of this failed culture.

But the other area is religion. The Islamic world today is in it's worst period since it's inception, they are at such a low their begging/resorting to asking their so-called enemies for 'mercy, aid, give us weapons, etc'. That alone should crush your faith if u had any true faith. They look up to the gulf which is technically a 3rd world nation(it has only 1 industry OIL and it employs 500 ppl only) kkkk while the rest live on welfare hand outs which comes thru their sovereign fund linked to where? it's linked to investment in western stock markets, riding the back of the infidel. This is who they LOOK up too culturally and religiously, so u can imagine my total distain.

On 1 hand the people want to have strong/wealthy state and national pride, but on the other hand they don't want to fix the culture and religion to get there, it's a case of wanting to jump to the sky but not actually setting in the equipments needed. Now what needs to be done is this.

They need to follow in Malaysia-Turkey Model and establish absolute freedoms for all whether u like it or not isn't up for question, anywhere freedom is lacking it is known that society is ripe for division and conflict, plus it's well known in religious circles ppl was given freedom by god, no ifs, buts, or ahhhs about it. It's not something another man can control or regulate on another human being, that's absolute madness.

Once freedom is established, peace will finally come and justice. Once those are established, freedom of thought/ideas can develop to kick-start a renaissancee on mass-scale. As long as those pillars exist freedom, equality, justice as a bed-rock and institutions and rule of law is guided by their protection or enforcement, Somalia can actually reach it's goals of being respected member of the world. Why u think Saudi is opening up? after-all u worship them a-lot, u know why? No investor is going to throw money into a nation that is against them or closed off culturally and religiously, why would they help their own 'enemy'?

If Somalia chooses to remain how they are with no change, im afraid, the world will progress to the point, they r left behind and go extinct or get replaced as happened to many cultures who didn't keep up with the world such as the natives of australia and america. If this happened to them, it can happen to anyone and all it needs is 1 society to devolve while another is progressing and the 'gap' if it stretches out over time can lead to serious ramfications. We skipped industrial age, we skipped the information age, we r now skipping the AI age. That's 3 key human advancement eras we have missed, if this continues to pile on, we technically are going to be the new primitive natives in comparison to advanced cultures.


If Somalia does rise up. It can influence the Muslim world to create a Muslim IMF and welcome china and other countries to put down capital so they can provide nation building loans for Muslim countries. They can get Pakistan to Nuke transfer selectively in different regions of the world to counter balance Western chosen Puppets.

They can focus on creating even a loose caliphate model with Turkey as caliph elect. They literally placed on the coastline of asia-europe-africa-mid-east. But they need freedom or else the society won't ever have a renaiisance.

When Andalusia thrived it was due to giving freedom to it's subject which countered the european world which was like somalia a failed, closed off society who refused to change 'roman church control'. So ppl all rushed to Andulusia and helped it grow as ppl enjoyed freedoms relative to the time period and the way the world was. That's why the west succeeded also only.

It's those values that make ppl suceed freedom, equality, justice and basing all ur laws, institutions, and enforcement around it's protection for all. It's not white, black, muslim, christian or jew that makes society successful at all.
Somalia issue isn't bad leadership as many point too nor is it random but a continous and systemic bad leadership and this can only point back to the culture and religion these people were born from, nothing else can create failure on such a wide and systemic scale. I've discussed the cultural aspect of Somalia which plays a big role.

The Somali culture value an easy life, have big ambitions and want big money and titles but they won't ever put in the hard work or dedication, this is quite universal. Their like a person wanting to climb a mountain, he will boast all day, meet, discuss on climbing the mountain, but that is where it ends, their no tangible action plan in anything they ever say. They host also criminal-terrorists who even work against them at a clan level, their elders will even intervene on a criminal/terrorist case destroying the meaning of the rule of law as everyone resorts back to zoo-like conditions.

This is a culture that promotes corruption as a 'good' thing, their leaders do what-ever they want and u will never see any social backlash, in-fact they honor them lol. The guy who is hurting u yet they honor him is one of the scariest failed aspect of this failed culture.

But the other area is religion. The Islamic world today is in it's worst period since it's inception, they are at such a low their begging/resorting to asking their so-called enemies for 'mercy, aid, give us weapons, etc'. That alone should crush your faith if u had any true faith. They look up to the gulf which is technically a 3rd world nation(it has only 1 industry OIL and it employs 500 ppl only) kkkk while the rest live on welfare hand outs which comes thru their sovereign fund linked to where? it's linked to investment in western stock markets, riding the back of the infidel. This is who they LOOK up too culturally and religiously, so u can imagine my total distain.

On 1 hand the people want to have strong/wealthy state and national pride, but on the other hand they don't want to fix the culture and religion to get there, it's a case of wanting to jump to the sky but not actually setting in the equipments needed. Now what needs to be done is this.

They need to follow in Malaysia-Turkey Model and establish absolute freedoms for all whether u like it or not isn't up for question, anywhere freedom is lacking it is known that society is ripe for division and conflict, plus it's well known in religious circles ppl was given freedom by god, no ifs, buts, or ahhhs about it. It's not something another man can control or regulate on another human being, that's absolute madness.

Once freedom is established, peace will finally come and justice. Once those are established, freedom of thought/ideas can develop to kick-start a renaissancee on mass-scale. As long as those pillars exist freedom, equality, justice as a bed-rock and institutions and rule of law is guided by their protection or enforcement, Somalia can actually reach it's goals of being respected member of the world. Why u think Saudi is opening up? after-all u worship them a-lot, u know why? No investor is going to throw money into a nation that is against them or closed off culturally and religiously, why would they help their own 'enemy'?

If Somalia chooses to remain how they are with no change, im afraid, the world will progress to the point, they r left behind and go extinct or get replaced as happened to many cultures who didn't keep up with the world such as the natives of australia and america. If this happened to them, it can happen to anyone and all it needs is 1 society to devolve while another is progressing and the 'gap' if it stretches out over time can lead to serious ramfications. We skipped industrial age, we skipped the information age, we r now skipping the AI age. That's 3 key human advancement eras we have missed, if this continues to pile on, we technically are going to be the new primitive natives in comparison to advanced cultures.
Places like Turkey and Malaysia aren't exactly ''free'' like Western nations. Yes, there are more freedoms compared to Arab countries, but only to a certain extent.

What makes Malaysia, Indonesia and Turkey so unique is that they have all absorbed Islam and molded it to fit their own culture, instead of the other way around. They stamp out any Arab influence, which inevitably leads to extremism. Wonder why Turkey and Malaysia have no issues with extremism or terrorism? Because they only allow homegrown Imams to preach, they don't allow any Saudi influence in their countries If you don't abide by their culture you will be kicked out, even if your Sheikh personally trained in Saudi Arabia.

Indonesia, a Muslim majority country with a population of over 200 million, well above most Western countries, had less than 200 citizens join ISIS. Yet, the West, with minority Muslim populations saw thousands of their ''citizens'' join ISIS. Why? Because Indonesia does not allow Saudi influence. That is the key difference.

Somalia should copy this tactic, nowadays copying Arabs is seen as being a better Muslim and it's destroying culture and opening the gates to extremism. This is why I despise Wahabbis and Salafis.
It's about the culture, Somalis can be smart if they work at it, but when you're growing up in an environment that encourages you to be aggressive, loud, combative with your peers, lie to save face etc. It tends to warp your development.

That madax adeeg front is the bane to our existence.


Malaysia has a large minority of the most intelligent people in the world. Without them, they'd regress to Indonesia/Philippines level of development.

Turkey in its current state is a creation of an elite of militant secular European Muslims that fled pogroms in the Balkans. They really aren't comparable to Somalia.