Somalia could’ve been wakanda

Oh never thought the black panther/ wakanda was racist that’s something new to me I guess
It’s ignorant. They speak zulu while they are in central Africa, they use congolese masks or whatever etc. it’s the “Africa is a country” stereotype that ignorant Europeans and African Americans always try to push.


It’s ignorant. They speak zulu while they are in central Africa, they use congolese masks or whatever etc. it’s the “Africa is a country” stereotype that ignorant Europeans and African Americans always try to push.
agreed. we, as in all black peoples, need to stop celebrating something just because the dominant society tells us to.
agreed. we, as in all black peoples, need to stop celebrating something just because the dominant society tells us to.

i am not black, I am Somali. No need to destroy your own ethnic identity in favor of a fake one made up by porteguse slave traders in the 1440’s.
