Somalia Constitution Is Inferior Document


Somalia constitution says Somalia is an Islamic country so it only represents Muslims. It's basically saying it's illegal for disbelievers to enjoy fundamental human rights in Somalia. This means disbelievers do not have human rights even though disbelievers are clearly human beings who god gave the right to choose to believe or disbelieve. This also means you cannot exercise freedom of speech regarding your disbelief or form a party for people who disbelieve. The reason for this is, the constitution accommodates shariah law above human rights.

The western world should advise Somalia in order for government recognition, the state has to protect it's people freedom to believe and disbelieve and allow people to exercise their personal choices in life such as zina, prostitution, homosexuality, alcohol, pork, or anything they so wish to pursue as adults and it's consentual and not forced, This means Somalia must never be called a Muslim state but a state of ALL the people not a state for the 'majority' of the people only because that means there will be no minority rights in Somalia of people who are not of the mainstream religious views or the mainstream hetrosexual view or the mainstream non alcohol drinkers.

As a disbeliever why should they live under shariah law, they don't even believe in it, that's why religious state doesn't work, it doesn't represent all it's citizens equally and freely, it only represents muslims and eliminates any minority against this position, it doesn't promote co-existence.


Rights are given by god not by a state, a state must protect god given rights to human beings not based on if they are believer or not. Somalia constitution must adopt human rights for ALL the people even those they don't agree with, it's not about agreeing with someone when their given rights or if their the majority like muslims love to claim for Somalia. Human rights means you are given rights based on being a human being first and foremost irrespective of your belief or disbelief.

It's crazy Somalia taxes disbelievers but then says you have no rights in this country also, why would a disbeliever even invest in Somalia, no wonder the west doesn't bother, no-one is going to invest in a country where freedom is absent.


@DalJecel @Mozart u either believe in human rights or shariah law, take ur pick, this matter is above clan matters, it's about fundamental values. I will join a hawiye-isaaq secularist and attack PL to free it's people from your Islamists who only consider human beings muslims and the rest have no rights and are killed.

I wish Hawiye rather then bringing alitihaad to pl or issaaq bringing shabab, if they brought a secular army, wallahi i would register for them and begin an armed rebellion in PL, becuz arintu waa 'qadiyad'. Hawiye n Isaaq are seeking trouble in PL but they need to understand trouble starts based on 'qadiyad' only. People kill each other for the right to be free


DalJecel the DhafoorQiiq
@DalJecel @Mozart u either believe in human rights or shariah law, take ur pick, this matter is above clan matters, it's about fundamental values. I will join a hawiye-isaaq secularist and attack PL to free it's people from your Islamists who only consider human beings muslims and the rest have no rights and are killed.

I wish Hawiye rather then bringing alitihaad to pl, brought a secular army, wallahi i would register for them and begin an armed rebellion in PL, becuz arintu waa 'qadiyad'
I believe in Shariah Law, And that means even the Trees have rights
To refuse Shariah Law is to refuse Islam


I believe in Shariah Law, And that means even the Trees have rights
To refuse Shariah Law is to refuse Islam

Xabad ayaa inaga ka dhaxayso ina adeer, arintu waa qadiyad niyahow not qabil. Xitaa siyasad ma aha, siyasad waa markad 'xoriyadada' heeshid, arintani waa values. I believe in human rights, u believe in shariah law, marka arintu waa 'qadiyad' hada, because qadiyad is about BELIEF niyahow not siyasad that is why each party in somalia needs to tell us what their qadiyad is before policies


DalJecel the DhafoorQiiq
Xabad ayaa inaga ka dhaxayso ina adeer, arintu waa qadiyad niyahow not qabil. Xitaa siyasad ma aha, siyasad waa markad 'xoriyadada' heeshid, arintani waa values. I believe in human rights, u believe in shariah law, marka arintu waa 'qadiyad' hada, because qadiyad is about BELIEF niyahow not siyasad that is why each party in somalia needs to tell us what their qadiyad is before policies
Xabad anoon ridin , ayaan ogahay adoo kabahaaga gacmaha ku sidato inaan Isbitaalka waalida ku dhigaayi


@DalJecel Somalida isku qadiyad ah ayaa hisbi wayn oo secular ah samayn doono oo ku doodayso in qof walbo somali ah isku xaquuq yihin based on human rights principle, adiguna ikhwaanul muslimintina dhista niyahow, wallahi qabil dambe ma jirayso, somalidu isku qadiyad ma aha. Our secular party will also protect the right of Somalis to not only disbelieve but we also appeal to homosexuals ama qof walbo somali ah xaquuq ka maqan oo bini adam ah


There’s no reason to divide the country even more sxb, we already have qabiil system that does that, Somalia is a Muslim country and u have to recognize that. There things that are simply not compatible with our culture back home. I believe to each his own but at the same time u have to be practical too :)


There’s no reason to divide the country even more sxb, we already have qabiil system that does that, Somalia is a Muslim country and u have to recognize that. There things that are simply not compatible with our culture back home. I believe to each his own but at the same time u have to be practical too :)

Somalis will only eliminate qabiil not based on 'politics' alone, politics also incorporates values and belief, i believe in the humanist idealogy. I believe the state should represent not only muslims but also minority like atheists-gays-christians or anyone who isn't apart of the mainstream and the only way to do this is thru adopting human rights first not identity politics. The constitution is identity values like ethnicity such as Somali, religion muslim, language, and other forms primitive identity thinking of the 1960s. Waryaa I don't care about your identity in human rights, I care about your humanity and protecting your god given rights, there is a fundamental superiority in this system then identity politics.

I want our constitution to be about human rights and freedom, what else does anyone else need besides that? we don't need Somalism, islam, atheism, or any idealogy forced down our throats that impedes on our freedom. Somali waxay heeshin doonta markay secularism timaado oo ku dhisan xaquuqul insaan not shariah law.


Ditoore, brother enough. Stay in kangaroo land.

Pork, Alcohol, Zina, fa#gotry :faysalwtf:

No it's not about enough, it's about if u believe humans have the right to be gay, alcohol, zina? if u don't you are fundamentally against human rights and free will. You are the problem not them. Go enjoy your nonsensical shariah law but don't impose it on disbelievers, what the f*ck is wrong with u waryaa? Somalis even if 1 disbeliever exists has minority rights.

The other thing I found weird what is a state getting involved in matters of religious sin, when was being a religious sinner a crime against the state? unless the state is god itself, then say so. God deals with sins not the state. Religious values should never be enforced by the state, the state isn't god in our eyes maybe it is for you waryaa, you worship a fuckin man going around applying religious laws like his god himself, did I commit a crime against him by disbelieving? no what the f*ck does he want from my personal liberties which god said I can be a disbeliever if I want.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
@DR OSMAN every man whether he belongs to this country or that, whether he is a believer or unbeliever, whether he lives in some forest or is found in some desert, whatever be the case, he has some basic human rights simply because he is a human being, which should be recognized by every Muslim. In fact it will be his duty to fulfil these obligations.

The Right to Life
Whosoever kills a human being without (any reason like) man slaughter, or corruption on earth, it is as though he had killed all mankind ... (5:32)

As far as the question of taking life in retaliation for murder or the question of punishment for spreading corruption on this earth is concerned, it can be decided only by a proper and competent court of law. If there is any war with any nation or country, it can be decided only by a properly established government. In any case, no human being has any right by himself to take human life in retaliation or for causing mischief on this earth. Therefore it is incumbent on every human being that under no circumstances should he be guilty of taking a human life.

The Right to the Safety of Life
Immediately after the verse of the Holy Quran which has been mentioned in connection with the right to life, God has said:
"And whoever saves a life it is as though he had saved the lives of all mankind" (5:32).
There can be several forms of saving man from death. A man may be ill or wounded, irrespective of his nationality, race or colour. If you know that he is in need of your help, then it is your duty that you should arrange for his treatment for disease or wound. If he is dying of starvation, then it is your duty to feed him so that he can ward off death. If he is drowning or his life is at stake, then it is your duty to save him.

Respect for the Chastity of Women
The third important thing that we find in the Charter of Human Rights granted by Islam is that a woman's chastity has to be respected and protected under all circumstances, whether she belongs to our own nation or to the nation of an enemy, whether we find her in the wild forest or in a conquered city; whether she is our co-religionist or belongs to some other religion or has no religion at all. A Muslim cannot outrage her under any circumstances.

The Right to a Basic Standard of Life
Speaking about the economic rights the Holy Quran enjoins upon its followers:

And in their wealth there is acknowledged right for the needy and destitute. (51:19)

The clear meaning of this verse is that anyone who asks for help and anyone who is suffering from deprivation has a right in the property and wealth of the Muslims; irrespective of the fact whether he belongs to this nation or to that nation, to this country or to that country, to this race or to that race. If you are in a position to help and a needy person asks you for help or if you come to know that he is in need, then it is your duty to help him. God has established his right over you, which you have to honour as a Muslim.

Prohibition of slavery and acknowledging freedom as an inherent right.
There are many rulings in Islam pertaining to slaves. Those rulings were meant to provide slaves some protection in a time when slavery has been an unjust global custom. Islam has taken a number of measurements to abolish slavery. Among of those measurements are making the emancipation of a slave as an expiation for some legal faults. In a hadith narrated by Abu-Hurayrah(RA) , he said that the Messenger (PBUH) had said, “I will be against three persons on the Day of Resurrection…[among of them he mentioned]one who sells a free person (as a slave) and eats the price…”(Shaih al-Bukhary).

Political rights in Islam
Islam has conferred general principles that are developable according to time and place by the competent specialists. It called for two main principles in the political life:

a- Shura (consultation): Islam recognizes shura as the straight and logical way that would lead the society along with man toward the right method and opinion and to happiness in life. Because of the high importance of the shura as a principle, Islam has made it a general principle, that is to include all aspects of life. It is a duty, thus, on every member of the society to make shura (consult others) and to be open for other opinions, even in minor issues. Under Islam, people are very much encouraged to exchange ideas and thoughts and to examine different opinions in order to reach the best one. Allah (SWT) says, “And those who have responded to their lord and established prayer and whose affair is [determined by] consultation among themselves, and from what We have provided them, they spend.” (Ash-Shura: 38).

Freedom of expression: Islam has ensured freedom of speech, which means that every human being enjoys his complete freedom to utter the truth and offer an advice for every Muslim brother. Allah (SWT), however, has specified some controls to keep it within certain limits, for freedom does not mean chaos. These restrictions are meant to avoid misusing this right, so one would not be encouraged to let his tongue or intellect deviate from the right path.

@DR OSMAN The Islamic view of humanity is filled with mercy and compassion, and it cannot be otherwise, because the Islamic religion is the last of the religions that were prescribed by Allah, may He be exalted, and He commanded all of mankind to enter this religion. He revealed this religion and sent it down to the most compassionate of mankind, Muhammad (SAW).


Somalia government is 'allah' they are involved in regulating people over matters that are religious and setting up courts of god. Shariah is the actual humans who want to play god. I don't worship a state, god is personal to me, it has nothing to do with a government, shariah must be destroyed before people rebel like they did with christian europe and leave islam in droves. Islam is suited to be personal matters not state matters.

Shariah law is for muslims it isn't for disbelievers, that is the fundamental problem, the quran said this is a book for believers, it has nothing to do with disbelievers. I have the right to life, freedom, and equality as a disbeliever in the state is the fundamental issue not about if I am right or wrong that is matters of personal choice, u don't respect personal liberties. Not drinking alcohol is for muslims, drinking alcohol is fine for an unbeliever, or zina or any of the other regulations in shariah law, let it apply to muslims, why does it need to apply to non muslims?


Notice Somalis don't get 'riled' up about political positions over economics, military, education, health, because these are not divisive matters compared to beliefs n values such as human rights or shariah law. They also get riled about personal liberties such as 'people's decisions in life' and morality. Hence it's critical parties in Somalia declare their 'qadiyad' before they declare any of their program which is a big decider in what u will support or reject. They also riled up about loose federalism(states powers vs federal powers)

The only areas of contention in Somali politics is the following area

1. Belief and Values over the role of the government should it be secular or shariah
2. Federalism and some preferring more federal powers over state powers.
3. Personal liberties such as the right to free and equal for majority and minority. This covers areas of homosexuality, alcohol, pork, and disbelief. The fundamental reason why this is an issue is cause the state is actually based on shariah law not human right protection of freedom and liberties.

U will find in each clan they will not be united about these matters regardless where in Somalia, so if we want to create a proper multi party that is purely based on belief and ideas, then secularism is mandatory or else each party will be the same and just talkg about development and security which isn't an issue of contention. I am sick of seeing political parties talking about the same matters of progress, progress isn't a political idea, it's something that all parties will be united on.
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For you is your religion and for me is my religion.
Somalis need to grasp that theyre .1% of the world population and some 70% of the world population are non-muslims.okay.
We know that wealth lies in commerce between people and nations. If 70% of the world cant do what they personal choose in somalia, then who will you make commerce with? They want to eat their pork dishes and drink their alcohol and have their other leisures . Imagine 70% of your potential wealth avenue being cut off. Horrendous bussiness model.
This is why somalia is unsafe, because every person there feels like theyre the judge jury and executioner. your not!mind your own actions! Lakum diinukum waliya diin!


I believe in Shariah Law, And that means even the Trees have rights
To refuse Shariah Law is to refuse Islam

This says it all akhi to reject shariah law means u reject islam, so the state is holy because it's apart of your religion right, it's no different to the holy roman empire who tried this and was over-thrown, what makes u believe this islamic state will be any different because both your systems infringe on people free will and free will isn't something a state can regulate, it was given to adam and his children by god no man can take it away nor can a government, it has to enshrine this fundamental value in it's constitution or else as far as I am concerned, I don't care what sort of democracy elections Somalia has, it's not apart of the free world.

So god is the state in Islam, because u can't be muslim u said without rejecting the islamic state, so it is true, muslims faith is also linked to state poltics niyahow lol unlike secularist. The govt is a representation of the people(majority and minority) in our belief to protect their freedom and equality in the society, we allow religion to be a personal matter between one and his god, it's not something we secularists are going to go regulate on behalf of god and judge people for sins against god, we are not god to do that.
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A seculariist upon reading sharih law.


It's against our fundamental belief that all men r born free n equal under the state and enjoy personal liberties that no man or state can interfere with. We also enshrine the protection of minority rights to be the same as mainstream rights.


They look like 'xoolos' comparing shariah law which doesn't give equal rights to even muslims among themselves, it also doesn't tolerate disbelievers or anyone against Islam or the mainstream to the greatest system ever inspired by man secularism.


There is also fundamental differences between the court system in Islam and Secular courts. In secular courts your being tried for breaching the state principles of freedom, equality, and safety of property and life of an individual, it's not a crime against the individual, you commited a crime against the state as a whole for breaching this. In Islam, you commit a crime, it's considered a crime against god lol, nacala idin ku yaal, how can human crimes be a crime against god. The problem is they don't know a sin is matters for god, crime is matters of humans, there is distinct difference even here.

So we don't turn to god law because no crime has been committed against god nor are we god to convict people of sins of god, we know our jurisdiction unlike these hypocrits who want to play god with state powers, god doesn't need us waryaa nor care about our conduct among ourselves that's why we need laws about humans for humans.

May shariah law be abolished of the face of the earth like slavery was. This is the new battle for secularist and human rights advocates to bring the joys of freedom. U know why I don't go to Somalia? I can't stand living a life where I am not free to do as I please, I am not going to live a life just to please the state or society. I am sure it's the same for all Somalis who are not of the mainstream. I bet it will be the same for investors also, no-one is going to invest in a cesspool that can't allow people to live their lives in peace and be free to do as they please.