Somali xaaliimos no nigiis?

Um, if anything, wearing tight clothing that doesn’t allow it to air is what causes thrush, not airing it out (so does not changing regularly, which is a hygiene problem).

Panties are only a must on your period, or if you feel like you need a pantyliner. Some girls do prefer them, but not all. Many or most girls, at least in my age group, are avoiding panties for thongs or shapewear to avoid the unattractive lines. I don’t think there’s a woman on green earth who hasn’t gone without for whatever reason, even if that reason is something as random as running out of a clean pair. Your not knowing it is a key point (unless they’re making it point not to wear it for you).

Only real men know these things darling.

Not fake player incels who make threads on Somalispot.


