Somali women having animosity towards Somali men.

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I suspect it'll get worse. All their real or perceived frustrations are being manifested in denigrating memeish stuff like receding foreheads and teef. I predict the shaax related outlets with the mind boggling stories spilling onto other platforms that men will no longer have to clandestinely access with female accounts to see.

Some of them are really just too persistent with their abdi bashing, those, those are the ones who're attacking superficial things to mask real problems so instead of getting to the root of it and bettering their situations, they're bashings abdis wholesale that take advantage of circumstances in their favor, when a lot of them are simply gaming self-interest and when many don't have it any better or in fact know any better, or it sometimes isn't really their fault since Somali boys aren't given the kind of attention they need growing up, their female counterparts are raised as cultured Somali Muslim women, while an overwhelmingly portion them are coming up in the strange phenomenon of being an iskoris with parents.

It'll be a real interesting this next decade as these self-styled urban and suburban Somali guys that are non-distinguishable from African American thugs marry the cultured Somali female that is the majority that was actually brought up to handle responsibility too many of them were passed over on.

This is only really seen in the new twitter generation. 99% of the frustrations and gripes Somali women should have with Somali men are present in our hoyo's generation. I also think you're seriously overestimating the number of cultured Somali women, or perhaps underestimating the number of cultural Somali boys.
Both the boys and the girls hang out with identical crowds and exhibit similar behaviour. 90% of the time you'll find them with either the Pakistani/Arab Muslim crowd, the non-Somali Blacks or a mix of those. Then of course you've got the ones raised in White majority areas that hang almost exclusively out with Whites. The only reason you can tell many Somali girls apart from the Caribbean/BB/African crowd is because of their headscarves. The vast majority of Somali boys will find an equivalent Somali girl with similar outlooks on life.
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