Somali women having animosity towards Somali men.

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The Somali method is that they don't care about their womenfolk. The men went out for months looking for grazing land for his camels and left the womenfolk and children on their own who could have been abducted, raped, etc. Devoid of any civilization.

Acid? Sxb you're confusing Arabs for South Asians. What exact Arab country stops women from driving a car? Saudi? They don't speak for all Arabs across who span across North Africa & the Levant.

Nobody said anything about physically abusing your women, but Somalis have no gheerah for their womenfolk and let them travel on their own from Burco to Hargeisa. This is haram in Islam, and if no xalimo want to marry me for following the commandments of Allah then I'm pleased since they aren't women worth marrying.

Enjoy your "gang gang" xalimos, whilst I marry my "ya habeebi" Arab. :drakekidding:
Women shouldnt be able to travel from Burco to Hargeisa? Everybody has gotten your message that you enjoy chubby carabs. We don't need nor want to be fucking reminded of it everyday. Nobody wants to hear your self hating ass everyday in every thread speaking shit and bootyclapping carabs.

"i hate xalimoos but i'll talk about them everyday". Sxb it's obvious your moma wasn't shit. I don't diss others people family but it needs to be said. You're a self hater that lash out agaisn't the women, of whom includes your mother. I don't even think it's funny, its just sad:francis: Want to be proven wrong and hope youre just trolling.
The Somali method is that they don't care about their womenfolk. The men went out for months looking for grazing land for his camels and left the womenfolk and children on their own who could have been abducted, raped, etc. Devoid of any civilization.

Acid? Sxb you're confusing Arabs for South Asians. What exact Arab country stops women from driving a car? Saudi? They don't speak for all Arabs across who span across North Africa & the Levant.

Nobody said anything about physically abusing your women, but Somalis have no gheerah for their womenfolk and let them travel on their own from Burco to Hargeisa. This is haram in Islam, and if no xalimo want to marry me for following the commandments of Allah then I'm pleased since they aren't women worth marrying.

Enjoy your "gang gang" xalimos, whilst I marry my "ya habeebi" Arab. :drakekidding:

I want a "gang gang gang" xalimo, they would ride for a nigga :ohno:
Self hate and identity issues is already there among the younger girls sxb. You're kinda late. With that said, the apple and soda culture in the UK hasn't made it to the America's yet and until that happens, I'll have faith. In case you haven't noticed, somali girls copy each other like no tomorrow. they are all make up artists, or youtubers, if one of them becomes a feminist, they all join. I don't think it is an actual animosity but a mix of having low intellect and self hate(hate for the culture) which stems from poor parenting.

Really? You learn new things everyday.



Have you ever seen Arab women speak like this? Wallahi, they are one of a kind.

Somalis treat the kindest out of all Muslim cultures, and look how they react, but Arab men treat their women like shit and they are the most loyal out of all Muslim cultures.

Imma treat my Arab wife like a goddess for a change, for they are indeed the best of all women. :salute:


I've been chilling with Somali guys my whole life obviously and a lot of the time they're judging a Somali girl's looks or how she's a "" or whatnot.

This behavior is common among both sexes.


I suspect it'll get worse. All their real or perceived frustrations are being manifested in denigrating memeish stuff like receding foreheads and teef. I predict the shaax related outlets with the mind boggling stories spilling onto other platforms that men will no longer have to clandestinely access with female accounts to see.

Some of them are really just too persistent with their abdi bashing, those, those are the ones who're attacking superficial things to mask real problems so instead of getting to the root of it and bettering their situations, they're bashings abdis wholesale that take advantage of circumstances in their favor, when a lot of them are simply gaming self-interest and when many don't have it any better or in fact know any better, or it sometimes isn't really their fault since Somali boys aren't given the kind of attention they need growing up, their female counterparts are raised as cultured Somali Muslim women, while an overwhelmingly portion them are coming up in the strange phenomenon of being an iskoris with parents.

It'll be a real interesting this next decade as these self-styled urban and suburban Somali guys that are non-distinguishable from African American thugs marry the cultured Somali female that is the majority that was actually brought up to handle responsibility too many of them were passed over on.
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