Too much steroidsThat's disgusting
Can workout out give woman biggest breast?
Can workout out give woman biggest breast?
If you start weightlifting, you'll have bigger biceps than the faraxs, and you will be able to karbash them into submission.. They'll start cooking you some chicken
Here's your chance to become a big xalimo that scares the shit out the faraxs and you refuse.. Don't let me catch you complaining about house chores again.. I want to stay feminine kulaha@Abdisamad3
I like to look femimine though too much muscles will make me look like a dude lol.
waryaa , you will be the doom of Faarax nation , we will not forget this .
its game over for us Skinny Faaraxs , if xalimos start lifting, with that hot temper of theirs
Can workout out give woman biggest breast?
Men and women don’t gain muscle the same. Lifting weights won’t make you a beast.@Abdisamad3
I like to look femimine though too much muscles will make me look like a dude lol.