Somali woman gets aids from her husband

It’s a sad situation may Allah make life easy for the sister, that being said.

Somali women need to learn the art of choosing men, they always choose bottom of the barrel type men wether Somali or ajinabi.

seriously ladies have some class please.
How is polygamy a core principle? Since when was polygamy compulsary or a core part of our religion? I’m rather confused. It is merely an option.

Shafis say it is not allowed. The Hanafis are okay with it and so are the Hanbalis.

Also, it seems the Malikis are okay with it as the Sahabas and Taabieen were okay with it, but the polygamy clause you’re missing out allows the woman instant divorce rather than actually making it forbidden for the husband to marry again. Hence the idea of making the halal haram
Is a false one. It isn’t logical.

You're trying to bring feminism into Islam. Polygamy is halal in Islam as long as the man has financial means to do so and as long as he can be just to all of his wives (up to 4), he can marry them and no bogus clause is going to nullify the nikaax.

Demanding some clause that null the nikaah - when it is already halal - is bogus. Picking and choosing which madhab that does what is misnomer. You don't want polygamy, fine that is your prerogative. But trying to use some extreme reasoning when there is no Islamic scholarship that can you back up has no place in the faith. And it is extremely dangerous what women like you are trying to bring it to the faith. There is no room for feminism in Islam. You need to stop bringing your wishes and views into the faith and Muslim families.
You're trying to bring feminism into Islam. Polygamy is halal in Islam as long as the man has financial means to do so and as long as he can be just to all of his wives (up to 4), he can marry them and no bogus clause is going to nullify the nikaax.

Demanding some clause that null the nikaah - when it is already halal - is bogus.

Thwas known since the time of the Sahabas. What on earth are you talking about? This is why you should be quiet if you’re ignorant about basic fiqh. Feminism? What feminism around during the time of Imam Ahmed? Imam Ibn Taymiyyah? Is Islamqa feminist? What an absurd and silly point wallahi. I don’t even know why I should entertain you.

Firstly, the polygamy clause doesn’t even nullify the nikkah. You’re so ignorant you don’t even know what the polygamy clause entails. It means if he does marry again, he’s breaking a contract in which HE agreed he wouldn’t and B: the wife gets instant divorce. That doesn’t nullify his second marriage.
Picking and choosing which madhab that does what is misnomer. You don't want polygamy, fine that is your prerogative. But trying to use some extreme reasoning when there is no Islamic scholarship that can you back up has no place in the faith.
And it is extremely dangerous what women like you are trying to bring it to the faith.

Scholars literally talk about in detail, yet you refuse to educate yourself as you’re arrogant and believe that you know better. Eat your words warya, kulaha there is no scholarly backing??! This is the literal view of various scholars and madhabs.

There is no room for feminism in Islam. You need to stop bringing your wishes and views into the faith and Muslim families.
Watch Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem finish ignorants like you.

This video was literally created for people like you who know nothing about that deen but attack. He goes into detail about the polygamy clause and how silly people like you are. Oh wait, he’s a feminist right?
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Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
Nope. Qutbi Siro is a man who gets into halal marriage with a woman but never informs his other spouse that he is married to another wife.

You got it wrong, Qudbo Siro is when a man marries a woman without the permision of her wali such as her father or another male guardian. It is a secret marriage .

A woman ‘s marriage without the permission of her wali is not even valid.

Is marriage without a wali valid?​

The guardian is a condition of marriage being valid according to the majority of scholars. Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “There is no marriage without a guardian.” (Narrated by Abu Dawud (2085), at-Tirmidhi (1101) and Ibn Majah (1881), from the hadith of Abu Musa al-Ash‘ari; classed as sahih by al-Albani in Sahih at-Tirmidhi)

Watch this video what Qudbo Siri is :

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You got it wrong, Qudbo Siro is when a man married a woman without the permision of her wali such as her father or another male guardian. It is a secret marriage .

A woman ‘s marriage without the permission of her wali is not even valid.
That's literally the same thing and yeah it's not allowed
You got it wrong, Qudbo Siro is when a man marries a woman without the permision of her wali such as her father or another male guardian. It is a secret marriage .

A woman ‘s marriage without the permission of her wali is not even valid.

Is marriage without a wali valid?​

The guardian is a condition of marriage being valid according to the majority of scholars. Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “There is no marriage without a guardian.” (Narrated by Abu Dawud (2085), at-Tirmidhi (1101) and Ibn Majah (1881), from the hadith of Abu Musa al-Ash‘ari; classed as sahih by al-Albani in Sahih at-Tirmidhi)

Watch this video what Qudbo Siri is :

He’s a joke. He thinks Qurbo siro is halal but believes polygamy clause is made up via feminism. This should tell you the state of his knowledge of the deen. It’s all based on what benefits his desires.


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
He’s a joke. He thinks Qurbo siro is halal but believes polygamy clause is made up via feminism. This should tell you the state of his knowledge of the deen. It’s all based on what benefits his desires.

Little does he know a woman is allowed to include clauses in the marriage contract such as her right to study, work, not be moved to another city or for her husband to take another wife. If he breaks the clause she has the right to anull the marriage.

It should be noted that if the husband breaks this condition, his wife does not become divorced as a result of that, rather she has the right to annul the marriage , and she may either annul it or give up the condition and accept what her husband has done, and remain as his wife.

Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan (may Allah preserve him) said:

“Among other conditions that are valid in marriage is if she stipulates that he should not take another wife. If he fulfills the condition (all well and good), otherwise she has the right to annul the marriage because of the hadith, “The condition which most deserves to be fulfilled is that by means of which intimacy becomes permissible for you.”

Similarly, if she stipulates that he should not separate her from her children or parents, this condition is valid and if he breaks it, she has the right to annul the marriage. If she stipulates that her mahr should be increased or that it should be in a specific currency, the condition is valid and binding, and he has to fulfill it, and she has the right of annulment if it is broken.

In that case, she has the choice and may decide any time she wants and may annul it whenever she wants, so long as there is nothing on her part to indicate that she accepts it if she knows that he has gone against what was stipulated; in that case she would no longer have the option.

‘Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said to the one who he ruled was obliged to fulfill what his wife had stipulated, when the man said, “Divorce us in that case,” ‘Umar said: It is a must to fulfill the conditions, because of the hadith, “The believers are bound by their conditions.”

Al-‘Allamah Ibn al-Qayyim said: It is obligatory to fulfil these conditions which are the most deserving of being fulfilled. This is what is implied by shari’ah, reason and sound analogy, if the woman did not agree to become a man's wife except on these conditions, and if it were not obligatory to fulfil them, then the marriage contract would not be based on mutual agreement, and it would be making something obligatory upon her that Allah and His Messenger have not made obligatory.” (Al-Mulakhkhas al-Fiqhi (2/345, 346)

Little does he know a woman is allowed to include clauses in the marriage contract such as her right to study, work, not be moved to another city or for her husband to take another wife. If he breaks the clause she has the right to anull the marriage.

It should be noted that if the husband breaks this condition, his wife does not become divorced as a result of that, rather she has the right to annul the marriage , and she may either annul it or give up the condition and accept what her husband has done, and remain as his wife.

Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan (may Allah preserve him) said:

“Among other conditions that are valid in marriage is if she stipulates that he should not take another wife. If he fulfills the condition (all well and good), otherwise she has the right to annul the marriage because of the hadith, “The condition which most deserves to be fulfilled is that by means of which intimacy becomes permissible for you.”

Similarly, if she stipulates that he should not separate her from her children or parents, this condition is valid and if he breaks it, she has the right to annul the marriage. If she stipulates that her mahr should be increased or that it should be in a specific currency, the condition is valid and binding, and he has to fulfill it, and she has the right of annulment if it is broken.

In that case, she has the choice and may decide any time she wants and may annul it whenever she wants, so long as there is nothing on her part to indicate that she accepts it if she knows that he has gone against what was stipulated; in that case she would no longer have the option.

‘Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said to the one who he ruled was obliged to fulfill what his wife had stipulated, when the man said, “Divorce us in that case,” ‘Umar said: It is a must to fulfill the conditions, because of the hadith, “The believers are bound by their conditions.”

Al-‘Allamah Ibn al-Qayyim said: It is obligatory to fulfil these conditions which are the most deserving of being fulfilled. This is what is implied by shari’ah, reason and sound analogy, if the woman did not agree to become a man's wife except on these conditions, and if it were not obligatory to fulfil them, then the marriage contract would not be based on mutual agreement, and it would be making something obligatory upon her that Allah and His Messenger have not made obligatory.” (Al-Mulakhkhas al-Fiqhi (2/345, 346)

Do you think @Man with a garuun cares about the view of Sh.Fawzan or Ibn Qayyim. As far as he’s concerned they’re feminists. Even Ibn Qayyim a man that lives in the 12th century! This was even well known during the time of the Sahabas!

This is what happens when you’re ignorant about fiqh.
@Angelina @Leila
Actually, you should not get angry with @Man with a garuun, and instead thank him for bringing the best of you ladies, otherwise you would not have been tempted to dig deeper, share the gen, and the resources. It is beneficial to all; good all round.
Nope, he does this all the time. He’ll turn around and accuse the scholars of being feminist or lying. The he’ll accuse me of misguiding or twisting Islam. A truly illogical fellow. He doesn’t know anything about fiqh or even classical rulings or that this view was held by medieval scholars who lived more than a 1000 yrs ago. This isn’t even something I learnt recently, this was something I was taught by my Islamic teachers and we studied books by Fawzan, Albani and Uthaymeen.
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He’s a joke. He thinks Qurbo siro is halal but believes polygamy clause is made up via feminism. This should tell you the state of his knowledge of the deen. It’s all based on what benefits his desires.

Marriage without weli and shuhuud is not allowed. I am clear on that. Besides, my understanding of qutbo - siro is completely different than what people are explaining. It has always been my understanding that it was for man who takes another wife but doesn't want to inform his first wife. So I stand corrected.

To the other point about polygamy, you're just a ravaging feminista who is just trying to justify her extreme views by selectively quoting what some scholars were attributed to. FYI, Sheikh Muhammad Idris Shaafi'i rejected the clause that you're running with. I believe Sheikh Ibn Haneefa rejected it as well. But of course knowing you, you would just run around with some Internet "sheikh" to justify your already preconceived notions.

Marriage without weli and shuhuud is not allowed. I am clear on that. Besides, my understanding of qutbo - siro is completely different than what people are explaining. It has always been my understanding that it was for man who takes another wife but doesn't want to inform his first wife. So I stand corrected.

To the other point about polygamy, you're just a ravaging feminista who is just trying to justify her extreme views by selectively quoting what some scholars were attributed to. FYI, Sheikh Muhammad Idris Shaafi'i rejected the clause that you're running with. I believe Sheikh Ibn Haneefa rejected it as well. But of course knowing you, you would just run around with some Internet "sheikh" to justify your already preconceived notions.

is this a joke or? Or are you trolling me? So, you’ll take a fatwa from Sh. Munajjid about if a man needs permission from his wife, but you’ll reject his other fatwa about women adding polygamy clause? LOL.

This is from your own source:


But when the same Sheikh, the owner of Islamqa might I add says:

Praise be to Allah.


If the wife stipulates that her husband should not take another wife, this is a valid condition and he must adhere to it; if he does take another wife, she has the right to annul the marriage contract.

Oh but isn’t he nothing but an ‘internet’ Sheikh? So let me guess, you base Sheikhs on how they cater to your own ego and beliefs. You’ve fallen to my trap beautifully. You don’t even look at who you post right? At least I know my sources lol. Do you even know who Sh. Munajjid is


Thanks you walal to proving to everyone that you follow nothing but your nafs and argue for the sake of arguing. You literally posted the exact same ‘internet Sheikh’ I did, but cherry pick what you want.

The fatwa you posted, doesn’t contradict the idea of women being able to add polygamy clause. In fact, it has nothing to do with the topic. You’re truly ignorant.
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@Angelina @Leila
Actually, you should not get angry with @Man with a garuun, and instead thank him for bringing the best of you ladies, otherwise you would not have been tempted to dig deeper, share the gen, and the resources. It is beneficial to all; good all round.
As I exactly predicted but even worse.

Look at this clown behavior I have to deal with. @Man with a garuun proceeded to accuse me of following internet Sheikhs but turns around and posts a random fatwa about polygamy, but by the very same exact Sheikh he earlier berated me for posting. Also, what he posted isn’t even about the subject matter: the permissibility of a clause.

It’s bad faith type of debating and an inability to stick to the topic at hand which is why I get irritated with him and makes me think he isn’t the brightest. You can’t debate with the irrational.
Little does he know a woman is allowed to include clauses in the marriage contract such as her right to study, work, not be moved to another city or for her husband to take another wife. If he breaks the clause she has the right to anull the marriage.

It should be noted that if the husband breaks this condition, his wife does not become divorced as a result of that, rather she has the right to annul the marriage , and she may either annul it or give up the condition and accept what her husband has done, and remain as his wife.

Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan (may Allah preserve him) said:

“Among other conditions that are valid in marriage is if she stipulates that he should not take another wife. If he fulfills the condition (all well and good), otherwise she has the right to annul the marriage because of the hadith, “The condition which most deserves to be fulfilled is that by means of which intimacy becomes permissible for you.”

Similarly, if she stipulates that he should not separate her from her children or parents, this condition is valid and if he breaks it, she has the right to annul the marriage. If she stipulates that her mahr should be increased or that it should be in a specific currency, the condition is valid and binding, and he has to fulfill it, and she has the right of annulment if it is broken.

In that case, she has the choice and may decide any time she wants and may annul it whenever she wants, so long as there is nothing on her part to indicate that she accepts it if she knows that he has gone against what was stipulated; in that case she would no longer have the option.

‘Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said to the one who he ruled was obliged to fulfill what his wife had stipulated, when the man said, “Divorce us in that case,” ‘Umar said: It is a must to fulfill the conditions, because of the hadith, “The believers are bound by their conditions.”

Al-‘Allamah Ibn al-Qayyim said: It is obligatory to fulfil these conditions which are the most deserving of being fulfilled. This is what is implied by shari’ah, reason and sound analogy, if the woman did not agree to become a man's wife except on these conditions, and if it were not obligatory to fulfil them, then the marriage contract would not be based on mutual agreement, and it would be making something obligatory upon her that Allah and His Messenger have not made obligatory.” (Al-Mulakhkhas al-Fiqhi (2/345, 346)

"According to the renowned contemporary Shāfi‘i Mufti, Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller,Extraneous conditions added to the marriage contract, such as that the husband observes monogamy or the like, are not binding, being meaningless, though they do not invalidate the marriage agreement, which remains effective.” [Keller, Reliance of the Traveller]"

As I exactly predicted but even worse.

Look at this clown behavior I have to deal with. @Man with a garuun proceeded to accuse me of following internet Sheikhs but turns around and posts a random fatwa about polygamy, but by the very same exact Sheikh he earlier berated me for posting. Also, what he posted isn’t even about the subject matter: the permissibility of a clause.

It’s bad faith type of debating and an inability to stick to the topic at hand which is why I get irritated with him and makes me think he isn’t the brightest. You can’t debate with the irrational.

Check my post that I responded to @Leila. :cool:

Eid mubaarak to you and every other Muslim here.


Qutbo siro is haram. It’s basically a woman marrying without a Wali. Such a marriage is invalid, but jahil fobs think it’s acceptable. It isn’t available to you.
They are not Jāhil tbh. In the Shafi'i madhab, if the wali of the girl is away at a distance of 80kms or more, the Sheikh/judge will take the place of the wali and the marriage will be complete as such. Somalis are just taking advantage of this.
They are not Jāhil tbh. In the Shafi'i madhab, if the wali of the girl is away at a distance of 80kms or more, the Sheikh/judge will take the place of the wali and the marriage will be complete as such. Somalis are just taking advantage of this.
I know this, but they’re twisting it. I know of cases of people whose father is alive and is one phone call away running away without a Mahram to another part of the country to carry out this scheming marriage. It is a slap to the face of any parent and it isn’t an excuse anyone can use in this day and age.
Check my post that I responded to @Leila. :cool:

Eid mubaarak to you and every other Muslim here.
I know this, I even mentioned it to the other poster who posted the Maliki view. Shafis don’t allow it. The fact Shafi doesn’t allow it, doesn’t change the fact that Hanbalis, Salafis, many Hanafis and Malikis allow it.
But thanks for the fatwa, I learnt something new. A Shafi woman can put in a divorce clause in her contract in which she gets the right to divorce herself, so that is another away around she can exercise rather than the polygamy clause. In fact it’s even better. :drakelaugh:I thought it was only Hanafis that believed that!


Absolutely fantastic, who needs a polygamy clause when you can add in a divorce clause and you have even more power. Thanks. The Sheikh basically says that could be an alternative for a Shafi woman.

You’re free to follow the Shafi school of thought on this issue walal. But don’t attack people who follow other madhabs. Oh and guess what, in the Shafi school of thought, polygamy isn’t a Sunnah and having one wife is seen as better. I highly doubt you believe that do you? Don’t bother arguing because I have literal sources from Imam Shafi himself. Cheer up though, Salafis believe that marrying more than one is better! So maybe you can be a Salafi, but accept the marriage contract view that they have. :russ:

come to the Salafi side! It’s Sunnah to be polygamous!
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