Somali teen beaten in race attack , you won’t believe the suspect

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The suspect was racially abusive to both the Somalian victim and other passengers whilst alighting, telling him to go back to his home country. The victim was then subjected to an unprovoked attack at Hayes End bus stop whereby he was punched several times in the face, leaving him with life changing injuries. Several witnesses at the bus stop watched and did not stay to give police details.

How’s a drunktard going to kick your ass?

Anybody can hurt anybody when it is unprovoked . I have seen big dudes get knocked with surprise head but, sneaky punch to the eye socket /nose , etc . Plus , it was probably some nerdy college kid who didn’t want a fight . Not everyone is made to be a goon .

That said , I have monthly supply of cambuulo and a boxing bag in my house . A soldier must ready for combat at all times , that is , even if one is a pacifist civilian. Low and Behold ! Don’t expect to play fifa and eat chicken chips and consider yourself a man .


child of afgooye
Is the hatred that blacks have in the UK towards somalis really this strong irl? I seen them make corny jokes and insults online but are most of them this hateful irl?
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