Somali singer sings popular Madonna song, becomes instant meme

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Adeer Holiday is a legend. He should collab with Ikraan Jaamac..their song would be an instant hit.

I am sorry but do u think he has the mannerism of a Hoyo??? is it the fat that makes him come off that way????
Wallahi you read my mind Basra.

Especially how he switches to song in the middle of a song.

"Heesta waa hees Madonna oo ah Hoooolliiidaaaay."
Reminds me of my hooyo when she tries to sing in English:mjlol:

Balo! I guess, all hooyos are the same. Because the way he sings is my mom to a Tz3zrULC
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I am sorry but do u think he has the mannerism of a Hoyo??? is it the fat that makes him come off that way????

Qaabka uu u fadhiyo xitaa and the way he is holding his hands. It is like habar kuusan oo lix ciyaal si fiican u soo korsatay. I like this dude walahi he got nice shaarbo iyo af. Well mannered buu u egyahay xitaa. Gacmaha ma taagtaagayo marka uu hadlayo, si xushmo leh buu ula sheekeysanayaa ninka kale. Heestana si fiican buu u qaaday.
Me like him a lot.:banderas::ahh: I’m into fat faraaxs lately I dunno why:ehh:


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Qaabka uu u fadhiyo xitaa and the way he is holding his hands. It is like habar kuusan oo lix ciyaal si fiican u soo korsatay. I like this dude walahi he got nice shaarbo iyo af. Well mannered buu u egyahay xitaa. Gacmaha ma taagtaagayo marka uu hadlayo, si xushmo leh buu ula sheekeysanayaa ninka kale. Heestana si fiican buu u qaaday.
Me like him a lot.:banderas::ahh: I’m into fat faraaxs lately I dunno why:ehh:

Walaaalo Orod Doctor uu teeg…...
Qaabka uu u fadhiyo xitaa and the way he is holding his hands. It is like habar kuusan oo lix ciyaal si fiican u soo korsatay. I like this dude walahi he got nice shaarbo iyo af. Well mannered buu u egyahay xitaa. Gacmaha ma taagtaagayo marka uu hadlayo, si xushmo leh buu ula sheekeysanayaa ninka kale. Heestana si fiican buu u qaaday.
Me like him a lot.:banderas::ahh: I’m into fat faraaxs lately I dunno why:ehh:

Waa inuu lacag haystaa xaar aad ka maydhid taag loma hayo

:wowsweat: Mid lacag haysta markay ka badatey lacagta kuu istijo daa dheh dee.. caloosha balaqsan,gacamaha barkimo uu ma baahaneysid oo aad kuu dhex luumtid baruurta kuusan wll!

Like booty weyn eferydhay holidhayyy
:pachah1: waali cas
Ilahayo noo dembi dhaaf
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