Somali romance dies after 35

With patience, there is usually an end goal. What is the end goal of a marriage devoid of affection? That mentality is why divorce rates are high with fobs.

Romance quenches that 'thrill' you seek. So clearly, lovey dovey is what you desire deep down. Embrace it saxib. A lot of fobs have miserable marriages and sayings such as been ku keen, ruun ku dhaq amplifies the dissatisfaction of both parties, particularly women.

Lead the pack and become illbaax. Our Prophet s.a.w was incredibly romantic. You don't even need to take inspirations from modern people.
You want me to get jumped by the folks? War naagtu xasidsanaa! Let us see the lovey dovey folks' marriage. For your information we divorce for too much interference from extended family.
Too much materialism is another factor. We don't see divorce as bad thing.
Ever heard of 'soddon guursato ayaa dhaanto silic kunool' we are that ilbax in that sense.
Abaayo join the fob community for a fulfilling life.
I guess I can see why it happens with more children and workload for the both the mother and father increasing. I don’t know if I can accept a loveless marriage. You’re essentially just roommates. Both partners should strive to do things that keeps the romance alive and fufill on another’s desires. Keep dating your partner and don’t get lazy. It doesn’t even have to be big gestures or weekly date nights. I think going on walks, spending quality time, holding hands, picking something up from the store that you know your spouse loves. Spending one on one time is important. You’re not just a mother and father but a husband and wife.

Also did anyone else grow up with parents who never showed PDA? There’s nothing wrong with hugging your spouse, giving them a quick peck or holding hands. Why not be an example of a healthy loving marriage for your kids. Alright just my 2 cents
I’ve grown up with parents never showing pda. It was sad because the only moment I ever saw between my parents was my dad giving my mum a kiss on the cheek after coming back from abroad and I still cherish that moment even though I was only 7. To me it displayed the love that my parents had for each other. Too many parents will rather show their arguments and fights towards their children but shy away from intimate moments.
How do Somali men feel knowing that they're even less romantic than Ayrab men? It's so strange, but couples holding hands in the Gulf is so normalised. Yet, culturally they're more conservative. They even have a big culture of husbands and wives going out to eat together ect. But then again, they're a lot more family oriented, so you'll even see the whole clan being out such as mum, dad, kids and sometimes grandparents.
i would to hold my wife’s hand in public but i’m afraid of gossiping aunts spreading rumors, i’ve even had someone tell my family about my whereabouts without knowing who that told them because i don’t remember seeing them

public display of affection just isn’t our culture it seems. even towards the kids
You want me to get jumped by the folks? War naagtu xasidsanaa! Let us see the lovey dovey folks' marriage. For your information we divorce for too much interference from extended family.
Too much materialism is another factor. We don't see divorce as bad thing.
Ever heard of 'soddon guursato ayaa dhaanto silic kunool' we are that ilbax in that sense.
Abaayo join the fob community for a fulfilling life.
Ceeb, romance your wife in private. Why would your folks know? Maybe all of this family interference is why you can't even be loving in the comfort of your private home. Bisinka.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
To be honest I don’t like to be romanced constantly like give me my space go out and work or something lol i can’t stand nigga in my face 24/7 warya soco noso shaqeey lol

Who are u lying to? U r a hopeless romantic as u said
I must adore my wife or else it's not gonna work. I have to have that feeling in my heart and my loins whenever she enters my thoughts. I must be willing to die for her willingly, if I have to think twice about jumping in front of a bullet for her then she's not the one.



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I must adore my wife or else it's not gonna work. I have to have that feeling in my heart and my loins whenever she enters my thoughts. I must be willing to die for her willingly, if I have to think twice about jumping in front of a bullet for her then she's not the one.


are your 'loins' in the form of balls?



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
the region of the sexual organs, especially when regarded as the source of erotic or procreative power.

Source: google

I see. That region of the brain that imagines it is attached to a membrane
I would hold my wife hand in public, take her out on dinner dates and what not. I don’t care what other people have to say. Most likely they’re jealous. A pious wife and romance is heaven on earth.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I would hold my wife hand in public, take her out on dinner dates and what not. I don’t care what other people have to say. Most likely they’re jealous. A pious wife and romance is heaven on earth.

I guess I can see why it happens with more children and workload for the both the mother and father increasing. I don’t know if I can accept a loveless marriage. You’re essentially just roommates. Both partners should strive to do things that keeps the romance alive and fufill on another’s desires. Keep dating your partner and don’t get lazy. It doesn’t even have to be big gestures or weekly date nights. I think going on walks, spending quality time, holding hands, picking something up from the store that you know your spouse loves. Spending one on one time is important. You’re not just a mother and father but a husband and wife.

Also did anyone else grow up with parents who never showed PDA? There’s nothing wrong with hugging your spouse, giving them a quick peck or holding hands. Why not be an example of a healthy loving marriage for your kids. Alright just my 2 cents
I remember how seeing my Hooyo and Abo holding hands once really melted my heart as a boy. I agree we need to be more in love. I even vividly remember one night my parents were downstairs together talking late into the night and laughing. Then they started coming up the stairs together - my mom telling abo to hush and not wake the kids. It kind of confused me at first since we wouldn't have been upset had we been awakened by our father. Next thing I heard was their bedroom door being firmly shut closed and the bed rocking and moans that sounded like my mom was getting her blood drained out of her body - I was really worried. I felt extremely embarrassed that my parents were engaging in that wicked extraterrestrial activity humans call sex. But then again, it kind of felt good knowing my parents were still keeping their intimacy alive.
I guess I can see why it happens with more children and workload for the both the mother and father increasing. I don’t know if I can accept a loveless marriage. You’re essentially just roommates.
That honestly sounds like a perfect arrangement to me lol. We've got kids to raise, who the f*ck has time for romantic get aways to the south of France when the mortgage payments are due? Romantic "love" in the gaal sense of the word is a reciep for disater wallahi. You'll call it quits and nuke your children's stablity and homelife the moment you don't feel those butterflies anymore.
I remember how seeing my Hooyo and Abo holding hands once really melted my heart as a boy. I agree we need to be more in love. I even vividly remember one night my parents were downstairs together talking late into the night and laughing. Then they started coming up the stairs together - my mom telling abo to hush and not wake the kids. It kind of confused me at first since we wouldn't have been upset had we been awakened by our father. Next thing I heard was their bedroom door being firmly shut closed and the bed rocking and moans that sounded like my mom was getting her blood drained out of her body - I was really worried. I felt extremely embarrassed that my parents were engaging in that wicked extraterrestrial activity humans call sex. But then again, it kind of felt good knowing my parents were still keeping their intimacy alive.
I'd need decades of therapy if I ever heard my abo give my mum a good seeing to. Fucking hell, that's traumatizing beyond belief :chrisfreshhah: :chrisfreshhah: :chrisfreshhah: :chrisfreshhah: :chrisfreshhah: :chrisfreshhah:
That honestly sounds like a perfect arrangement to me lol. We've got kids to raise, who the f*ck has time for romantic get aways to the south of France when the mortgage payments are due? Romantic "love" in the gaal sense of the word is a reciep for disater wallahi. You'll call it quits and nuke your children's stablity and homelife the moment you don't feel those butterflies anymore.
You sound like you've been burnt lool. Romantic love isn't gaal like at all, as long as it is in the confines of marriage. We have enough examples of romantic love in Islamic traditions. A marriage cannot be sustained with just love, likewise a happy marriage cannot be sustained with no love. Moderation is key.

