Somali romance dies after 35

Based on what I have seen, at about 35 Somali couples stop going out dates for the most part…I hardly see any Somali in that age group do activities as a couple.
I guess I can see why it happens with more children and workload for the both the mother and father increasing. I don’t know if I can accept a loveless marriage. You’re essentially just roommates. Both partners should strive to do things that keeps the romance alive and fufill on another’s desires. Keep dating your partner and don’t get lazy. It doesn’t even have to be big gestures or weekly date nights. I think going on walks, spending quality time, holding hands, picking something up from the store that you know your spouse loves. Spending one on one time is important. You’re not just a mother and father but a husband and wife.

Also did anyone else grow up with parents who never showed PDA? There’s nothing wrong with hugging your spouse, giving them a quick peck or holding hands. Why not be an example of a healthy loving marriage for your kids. Alright just my 2 cents
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I guess I can see why it happens with more children and workload for the both the mother and father increasing. I don’t know if I can accept a loveless marriage. You’re essentially just roommates. Both partners should strive to do things that keeps the romance alive and fufill on another’s desires. Keep dating your partner and don’t get lazy. It doesn’t even have to be big gestures or weekly date nights. I think going on walks, spending quality time, holding hands, picking something up from the store that you know your spouse loves. Spending one on one time is important. You’re not just a mother and father but a husband and wife.

Also did anyone else grow up with parents who never showed PDA? There’s nothing wrong with hugging your spouse, giving them a quick peck or holding hands. Why not be an example of a healthy loving marriage for your kids. Alright just my 2 cents
Please make sure you marry someone who grew up in the same environment and has the same outlook in life.
As a FOB who joined this crazy western world I don't think about dating or affection. Marriage is for kids, jecel is for dhocil times.
Boorsada/shandada ayaa ii xidhan.
Please make sure you marry someone who grew up in the same environment and has the same outlook in life.
As a FOB who joined this crazy western world I don't think about dating or affection. Marriage is for kids, jecel is for dhocil times.
Boorsada/shandada ayaa ii xidhan.
Im a hopeless romantic I couldn’t be with someone who doesn’t want to have a love story in this dunya and the akhira.
To be honest I don’t like to be romanced constantly like give me my space go out and work or something lol i can’t stand nigga in my face 24/7 warya soco noso shaqeey lol
older generations have xishood:- something that is foreign to the new generation
Not everything is xishood. The Prophet (Saw) had the biggest task in the world which was to spread islam and he was still attentive, present, loving and romantic with his wives.

i have no idea how catholic ideologies such as marriage only being for reproduction (aka having babies) got jumbled into islam. Maybe it was colonialism? Anyways not everything is ceeb and xishood. As long as you respecting one another’s privacy and being a garment for one another that’s all that matters.


i think with my heart
Not everything is xishood. The Prophet (Saw) had the biggest task in the world which was to spread islam and he was still attentive, present, loving and romantic with his wives.

i have no idea how catholic ideologies such as marriage only being for reproduction (aka having babies) got jumbled into islam. Maybe it was colonialism? Anyways not everything is ceeb and xishood. As long as you respecting one another’s privacy and being a garment for one another that’s all that matters.
xishood = not everything on display..
Please make sure you marry someone who grew up in the same environment and has the same outlook in life.
As a FOB who joined this crazy western world I don't think about dating or affection. Marriage is for kids, jecel is for dhocil times.
Boorsada/shandada ayaa ii xidhan.
Seek help. I know deep down fobs still want the love and romance. That might be why your cohorts are obessed with 2nd wives and the women are obessed with overly romantic Turkish dramas. Ya'll are chasing the high you feel that you get in the beginning of the marriage when the shukansi is fresh and your haajio says aboowe macaan whilst batting her lashes. If you lot actually attempted to date each other in marriage, maybe the men will stop chasing 2nd wives they can't afford and the women wouldn't be fantasizing about a romantic Turk.
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Staff Member
Is massaging your wife's feet considered romance? Lol. I think that's the closest romantic thing I've seen my parents do. The second being a kiss on the cheek while hugging from behind.

Somalis are not western romance types. Anyone who says something like their parents hold hands in public or they kiss on the lips is a liar. Unless your parents are under 40, which is impossible. I do this though lol. I do it in front of my parents too hehe.
Marriage turns into running a small business when kids come into the picture. Romance will be spontaneous and sporadic, not so much routine as in the early days of your relationship. There is nothing wrong with this BTW.
How do Somali men feel knowing that they're even less romantic than Ayrab men? It's so strange, but couples holding hands in the Gulf is so normalised. Yet, culturally they're more conservative. They even have a big culture of husbands and wives going out to eat together ect. But then again, they're a lot more family oriented, so you'll even see the whole clan being out such as mum, dad, kids and sometimes grandparents.
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future pirate king
How do Somali men feel knowing that they're even less romantic than Ayrab men? It's so strange, but couples holding hands in the Gulf is so normalised. Yet, culturally they're more conservative. They even have a big culture of husbands and wives going out to eat together ect. But then again, they're a lot more family oriented, so you'll even see the whole clan being out such as mum, dad, kids and sometimes grandparents.

I'm romantic but only with cadaan comes naturally then...
How do Somali men feel knowing that they're even less romantic than Ayrab men? It's so strange, but couples holding hands in the Gulf is so normalised. Yet, culturally they're more conservative. They even have a big culture of husbands and wives going out to eat together ect. But then again, they're a lot more family oriented, so you'll even see the whole clan being out such as mum, dad, kids and sometimes grandparents.
Isn't your man romantic? I think arab men are very possessive, if I know Xalimos well they wouldn't be able to put up with this..
I'm romantic but only with cadaan comes naturally then...
Well Done Hug GIF by The Animal Crackers Movie

Yusuf Abdi Ali Rashid

King of Prussia
My wife is simply a baby making machine in my eyes, and if she doesn’t produce strong caucasian children than it’s on to the next. No hard feelings.
Seek help. I know deep down fobs still want the love and romance. That might be why your cohorts are obessed with 2nd wives and the women are obessed with overly romantic Turkish dramas. Ya'll are chasing the high you feel that you get in the beginning of the marriage when the shukansi is fresh and your haajio says aboowe macaan whilst batting her lashes. If you lot actually attempted to date each other in marriage, maybe the men will stop chasing 2nd wives they can't afford and the women wouldn't be fantasizing about a romantic Turk.
We are xiisole. Dating is not a thing. The looking for another woman after marriage is only for the thrill nothing more even that 2nd, 3rd or 4th woman knows.
Marriage is accepting responsibility. Being patient NOT lovey dovey.
Our motto: Invest less expect lesser!
We are xiisole. Dating is not a thing. The looking for another woman after marriage is only for the thrill nothing more even that 2nd, 3rd or 4th woman knows.
Marriage is accepting responsibility. Being patient NOT lovey dovey.
Our motto: Invest less expect lesser!
With patience, there is usually an end goal. What is the end goal of a marriage devoid of affection? That mentality is why divorce rates are high with fobs.

Romance quenches that 'thrill' you seek. So clearly, lovey dovey is what you desire deep down. Embrace it saxib. A lot of fobs have miserable marriages and sayings such as been ku keen, ruun ku dhaq amplifies the dissatisfaction of both parties, particularly women.

Lead the pack and become illbaax. Our Prophet s.a.w was incredibly romantic. You don't even need to take inspirations from modern people.


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